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A Very Brief Introduction to the Occupation

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Rabbi Salem Pearce
This 16-page, pocket-sized pamphlet , produced by T’ruah in partnership with Breaking the Silence, offers basic definitions for understanding the Israeli occupation, testimonies from an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian civilian, a brief text study, and recommendations for further reading. Buy packets of booklets here, to share with your community, friends, and family. (Please allow...

A New Zealotry

by Rabbi Eli Herb
Rabbi Eli Herb writes about Pinchas' zealotry.

Protest Placards

Download and print yourself, or order a pack of seven on sturdy 19"x 25" cardboard.

Not Striking the Rock Again (Parshat Chukat)

by Rabbi Benjamin Barnett
For Parshat Chukat, Rabbi Benjamin Barnett writes about the challenges facing Israel's Bedouin.

Lessons in Leadership and Conflict (Parshat Korach)

by Rabbi Neil P.G. Hirsch
Conflict is an element of leadership. As the ultimate example of rebellion among the Israelites the core question is this: How are we to deal with conflict when — not if — it arises?

Joining or Forming a T’ruah Cluster

T’ruah clusters are the primary avenue for Jewish clergy who care about human rights to take action. We know that even as human rights issues are present across the globe, all politics are local. To advance human rights, T’ruah builds power by fostering strategic, relational networks of our chaverim in specific cities. By joining our...

Saying Yes When Others Say No (Parshat Sh’lach-Lecha)

by Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz
Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz writes about Parshat Sh'lach-Lecha.

Feasting on Choice, Dining with Dignity (Parshat Beha’alotecha)

by Rabbi Joshua Hammerman
We all crave food – but equally, we crave the dignity of being able to choose what, how and where we eat.

Keeping and Doing (Parshat Emor)

by Rabbi David Kaiman
Our commandments are meant to inspire us to action.

When Ignorance Brings Words that Sting: Finding Guidance in the Priestly Blessing (Parshat Naso)

by Rabbi Hannah Spiro
Commentary on Parshat Naso (Numbers 4:21 – 7:89) Here in DC, the last couple of months have been pretty rough. In March, DC City Council member Trayon White claimed that the Rothschilds control the weather and the government, and then ducked out early from a tour of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum that had been...

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