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Photo of the author, Emet Eviatar

Korach: What Does It Mean to Be a Free People?

by Emet Eviatar
A truly free people accepts its covenants without coercion. As we work for a better world, one of true dignity and equality for all, it’s important to remember that.

Korach: Holding onto Hope for Korach

by Rabbi Daniel K. Alter
When we escalate from anger to contempt, to what 19th century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer described as “the unsullied conviction of the worthlessness of another,” we move our gaze from a person’s actions to their individuality, their personhood.

Transformation Will Only Come Through Honesty About Our Past

by Rabbi Mimi Micner
Nowhere do we see God and the people in a real process of engagement with their history and what is broken in their relationship. With so much left unsaid and unresolved, we should not be surprised to see the same issues in their relationship emerging again and again. 

Reckoning with Our Skeletons Beneath the Ground

by Rabbi Margo Hughes-Robinson
We are not bound to the worldviews and ideologies of those who came before us, but neither can we discard the ancestors with whom we disagree. How do we engage in the often difficult spiritual task of recognizing the image of God in the forebears with whom we deeply disagree, without capitulating to or validating the ideologies they espoused?

The Problem with Korach is the Problem with “All Lives Matter”

by Rabbi Mira Wasserman, Ph.D.
Both of Korach’s challenges have the same structure. Korach rejects the notion that something small— either tzitzit or mezuzah—could be more important than something big. In opposing tzitzit to a blue tallit and mezuzah to a houseful of scrolls, the midrash picks up on Korach’s tactic of putting Moses and Aaron in opposition to “all of the community.” Korach invokes the whole, promoting the general over the specific, the greater over the lesser. He fails to recognize that in Torah, the detailed particulars make all the difference. In the realm of ritual as in the domain of justice, the demands of righteousness are precise. 

Argue for the Sake of Holiness

by Rabbi Sharyn Henry
Rabbi Sharyn Henry reflects on what it means to argue for the sake of heaven in Parshat Korach.

Lessons in Leadership and Conflict (Parshat Korach)

by Rabbi Neil P.G. Hirsch
Conflict is an element of leadership. As the ultimate example of rebellion among the Israelites the core question is this: How are we to deal with conflict when — not if — it arises?

The Coming Earthquake

by Rabbi Jamie Gibson
Have you ever been in an earthquake? April, 1979 in Jerusalem. Studying for my end of year rabbinic exams. The floor started shaking and then stopped. I relaxed for a moment. Then, it started again. This time I looked to where I might run for safety. In a flash I realize that all that beautiful...

Transforming Envy Into Energy

by Rabbi Randy Kafka
A d’var Torah for Parashat Korach I often notice comparing and self-judging thoughts arise when I read about the work of activists: There they are speaking boldly at major rallies, or tweeting or blogging to many followers, or traveling to meet with Important People. What am I doing? Why aren’t I more like them? Then...

Protesting Leshem Shamayim

by Rabbi Aaron Rosenberg
The old Yiddish proverb laments, “It is not easy to be a Jew.” Moshe might add, “How much the more so to be a Jewish leader.” Parashat Korach appears in what Everett Fox refers to as “the rebellion narratives” in the Book of Bamidbar. Was Moshe Rabbenu blessed with the congregation from hell? After their...

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