Women and Girls

Shabbat Hazon: Massachusetts Reimagining Communities Sermon & Study Toolkit
T'ruah invites Massachusetts clergy to use this toolkit as a way to connect the decarceration of women and girls in the Commonwealth with Shabbat Hazon.

Tisha B’Av: Making Reparations after Churban
It is not enough to mourn. Mourning must be accompanied by actions that end the harm being done.

Naso: “And the Woman Shall Say: ‘Amen, Amen’”
...being in Israel over the last several months has shown me almost daily how easy it is to defile something that’s important to us because of zealotry and jealousy.

Our Mishkan — Who Is In and Who is Barred Entry?
Our basic freedoms are under attack. The authoritarian extremists pushing these laws are saying that only they qualify to be in the Mishkan.

What “Women’s Rights” Should Mean
I would like to see us reclaim what women’s rights can mean – and note that our tradition supports our demand to be seen as fully human, however we identify.

The Human Right to Have a Child
Commentary on Rosh Hashanah Torah and Haftarah readings. Reproductive rights have been hijacked. When someone mentions the phrase “reproductive rights,” the first things that usually come to mind are either birth control or abortion. However, the ability to prevent pregnancy is only part of reproductive rights. What about the right to have a child? This...

The Beginnings of Gender Justice (Parshat Ki Tetze)
Commentary on Parshat Ki Tetze (Deuteronomy 21:10 – 25:19) Laws concerning women’s sexual misconduct are grim testimonies to women’s experiences in cultures where the lion’s share of power and privilege goes to men. But before we can know what to do with these laws, we must clarify what they say and to whom they apply....

Poor People’s Campaign Resources
From May 14-June 22, 2018, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival launched 40 days of “nonviolent moral fusion direct action,” calling on our country to change course on the deep moral crises that threaten our democracy and our survival. T’ruah supported the campaign in a variety of ways, including by publishing...

Midwifing Resistance
For Pesach 2018, T’ruah offers this short, text-and-photos conversation starter about Jewish women’s resistance over the centuries. Bring it to your seder for use with the Four Children, the story of the Israelites’ enslavement, or a springboard for discussing the #MeToo movement.

Powerful Kings and Degraded Hallelujahs
Right now, our society is in the middle of an important discussion about how we deal with sexual harassment and assault, especially from our leaders and other public figures. With the grossly inappropriate conduct of media moguls, actors, comedians, celebrity chefs, professional athletes, news anchors, business executives, clergy, politicians, and other powerful men coming to...