Racial justice

Pekudei: Learning From, Not Erasing, Our Broken Tablets
The administration is tearing apart the historical narrative of the United States, denying the verifiable truth that more people have been left out of the American dream than included in it, that brutality had a role in building this country, and that we have inherited both the gloriousness of the nation’s founding ideas and the shame of our failure to live up to them.

Ekev: Seeking a Greater Wholeness Through Civilian Oversight
It is indisputable that there is serious, ongoing, and systemic racism in the institution of American law enforcement.

Shabbat Hazon: Massachusetts Reimagining Communities Sermon & Study Toolkit
T'ruah invites Massachusetts clergy to use this toolkit as a way to connect the decarceration of women and girls in the Commonwealth with Shabbat Hazon.

Tisha B’Av: Making Reparations after Churban
It is not enough to mourn. Mourning must be accompanied by actions that end the harm being done.

Shavuot: Revelation in Montgomery
We are called to elevate the difficult truths, and sometimes our complicity in them, in order to “lift them up” for tikkun — for fixing.

Emor: Sacred Times: A Moment to Reflect on AAPI Allyship
This month, we have overlapping “sacred times”: the counting of the Omer and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.

Embracing Our Inner Nachshon
Things can only change if we have the faith to believe in possibilities that we currently cannot imagine.

Getting to Know You
True relationships, born out of love and respect, take time to develop. These relationships require intimacy and occasionally discomfort in order to truly know each other.

The Power of Dreams and Our Power to Create Prophecy
...if, like this Pharaoh, we can move beyond the terror to seeking options with an open mind, we may find ourselves with more resources at hand than we ever realized was possible.

Walking Free: Democracy and Incarceration
Of all the places I have served in a rabbinic capacity, the maximum-security prison where I serve now is the most religious.