Turning our Backyards into Sanctuary Cities

by Rabbi David Eber
...the Torah instructs that in the midst of our holiest cities and amongst people who do the work of God, that precisely there — in that place — are the vulnerable to take refuge.

Quieting our Amygdalas

by Rabbi Meredith Cahn
Of course, we are scared when faced with giants, or when we are fed terrifying misinformation. It is what we do with our fears and anxiety that is a key to Jewish spirituality.

Fostering an Equitable Urban Landscape

by Rabbi Michal Woll
In Parshat Behar, urban spaces were not considered a factor in the wellness and stability of society. Today, we must acknowledge our centuries of disenfranchisement and commit to fostering an urban landscape of equity and opportunity.

Awakening the World With Love

by Cantor Dara Rosenblatt
‘I was asleep, but my heart was wakeful.’ The first part of this verse is a call. ...Within myself there is something to be awakened.

Resisting Unjust Edicts in Our Time

by Hazzan Jesse Holzer
When leaders choose discrimination and censorship, when they care more about excess for some rather than access for all, Achashverosh is still among us.  

How to Make Jewish Sanctuaries Truly Safe

by Rachel Faulkner
In this week’s portion, Terumah, Moses is given instructions for how to build a sanctuary.

Favoring the Many, Not the Mighty

by Rabbi Ari Witkin
This is but one example in a web of inequity that favors an ever-shrinking group of American elites... And yet, one word — Ish, a person — repeated over and over again in the dictation of these mitzvot is a reminder that the work is indeed mine to do as an individual. 

Dream Until It’s Your Reality

by Rabbi Alex Kress
Like Jacob’s dream, our justice work must be grounded in this world, absorbing the pain of everyday injustice with our hearts open to those suffering. And yet, our work must remain aspirational, reaching for the sky and not settling for anything less than our basic demands of human dignity and human rights.

Dousing the Torches

by Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin
A D’var Torah for Parshat Lech Lecha by Rabbi Rachel Schmelkin “It’s time to torch those Jewish monsters. Let’s go. 3pm.”  On August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, I stared at the screenshot in horror, witnessing a direct threat to the Jewish community. Hundreds of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists had marched carrying torches the night...

The Pathway to Joy Begins in Discomfort

by Rabbi Micah Geurin Weiss
The illusion of security, the illusion of living in a world not deeply steeped in racism, and the comfort of staying committed to our illusions ultimately cuts us off from the fullest joy of life radically open and in relation to that which is. 

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