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Sh’lach-Lecha: One Small Step, One Giant Leap

by Rabbi Eliza McCarroll
...if we want the soil of our land to live up to our hopes for it, we must hold to our faith — whether that is in God, in the land itself, or, in our case, the conviction of the cause(s) we are working for — and believe that we will reap the fruits of our labor.

Beha’alotecha: Keeping the Fire Lit: Book Bans and Human Rights

by Rabbi Simone Schicker
The lights of the menorah in the Mishkan, and in the Temple, led to the ner tamid (eternal light) in our sanctuaries, and to our understanding that each one of us is a light too.

Naso: “And the Woman Shall Say: ‘Amen, Amen’”

by Julia Knobloch
...being in Israel over the last several months has shown me almost daily how easy it is to defile something that’s important to us because of zealotry and jealousy. 

Shavuot: Revelation in Montgomery

by Rabbi Stephen Nadav-Booth
We are called to elevate the difficult truths, and sometimes our complicity in them, in order to “lift them up” for tikkun — for fixing.

Shavuot 2023: A Sampling of (M)oral Torah

These 7 divrei Torah, one for each of the 7 weeks of the Omer that lead up to Shavuot, span the breadth of the entire Torah, from Genesis to Deuteronomy, and come from 7 exceptional T'ruah rabbis who lend their voices to the call for a more just and moral world.

Bamidbar: Finding God in the Wilderness

by Cantor Shoshana Brown
That the Torah addresses the concerns that civilization inevitably brings, along with awareness of the need for individuals to experience God in wilderness, seems to me a profound grappling with the needs both of human beings and of God’s non-human world.

Behar-Bechukotai: Proclaiming Dror Throughout the Land

by Rabbi Michael Rothbaum
...modern American politics have alienated the word dror from the Jewish concept of liberty.

Emor: Sacred Times: A Moment to Reflect on AAPI Allyship

by Rabbi Sasha Baken
This month, we have overlapping “sacred times”: the counting of the Omer and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.

Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: The Insidious Crime That Steals Billions of Dollars a Year from Workers

by Rabbi Mordechai Liebling
We are commanded to be holy in this parshah and “to not profit by the blood of our fellow.” (Leviticus 19:16) This means that we are obligated to do our best in preventing worker abuse.

Prayer for North American Jews on the 75th Anniversary of Israel’s Founding

by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen
A prayer by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen for the State of Israel.

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