Prayer for the Protection of Immigrants and Refugees
Written by Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, recipient of the 2019 T’ruah Founders’ Award, this prayer asks for the safety of immigrants and refugees, as well as their families and communities. Find more resources for your Tisha B’Av #CloseTheCamps vigil here.
The Sound of Longing
Rabbi Maya Glasser points to the importance of recognition, whether with Zelophehad's daughters in Parshat Pinchas, or those in solitary confinement in our own day.
Prayer for Tisha B’Av Actions: Jews Say #CloseTheCamps
Our tradition teaches us that our individual laments form a collective lament, gathering the disparate parts of ourselves into a unified sorrow. It comes from the bones, from breath. The city weeps, and we weep with her, her wails are our breath, her voice in our mouths.
Opening Our Eyes
Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein analyzes Balaam's blindness and points to our own blind spots in this drash on Parshat Balak.
How We Deal With Our Anger
For Parshat Chukat, Rabbi Matthew D. Gewirtz offers us a more useful way to channel our anger.
Argue for the Sake of Holiness
Rabbi Sharyn Henry reflects on what it means to argue for the sake of heaven in Parshat Korach.
Torah from T’ruah for Tisha B’Av
Divrei Torah for Tisha B'Av by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein, Lizz Goldstein, Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Denise Handlarski.
Texts and Resources for Tisha B’Av: Jews Say Free Them All
Prayer for Tisha B’Av Actions A prayer by Rabbi Mónica Gomery designed to be read preceding or following the sounding of the shofar at a collective protest on Tisha B’Av. The use of this resource has helped unify Tisha B’Av events across the country. T’ruah’s Past Tisha B’Av Divrei Torah Commentaries by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia...
The Torah of Criticism
Rabbi Micah Liben calls us to resist complacency and to remain vigilant when our rights are in danger.