
Purim: The Absurdity of Purim Today
The Esther model seeks Jewish safety not by defying the status quo, the power structure, but by sucking up to it. It is safety without freedom. True liberation comes against totalitarian power, not by cozying up to it.

“Project Esther”: Exploiting Jewish Fear to Advance Dangerous Policy
Created in collaboration with The Nexus Project. Learn what Project Esther is, why it’s dangerous, how it’s showing up in policy right now, and what Jewish leaders can do about it. Plus: Texts related to the biblical Esther to explore with your communities and inspire your resistance. The perfect tool for pre-Purim text study or learning throughout the month of Adar.

Past Purim Newsletters
Enjoy these past Purim newsletters while you're waiting for the 5784 edition!

When Blood Boils: Learning to Channel Anger in Productive Ways
Anger is like fire that, when used productively, can power engines of change but when mishandled can consume anything in its path, including us.

Remembering the Workers in the Field
CIW’s Fair Food Program beautifully illustrates Deuteronomy’s call of zachor, to remember to push back against those who oppress the rights of others.

Resisting Unjust Edicts in Our Time
When leaders choose discrimination and censorship, when they care more about excess for some rather than access for all, Achashverosh is still among us.

Purim Reminds Us Rights Shouldn’t Be Tied to the Whims of Rulers
A D’var Torah for Purim by Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael As a Queer and Trans Jew, Purim has long held a special place in my heart as a holiday that envisions a world in which oppression can be turned upside down, in which coming out can be liberatory and world-changing, and miracles come to life through...

Are Scepters Only for Boys? (Purim)
Commentary on the Book of Esther. “Oh, there’s no such thing as boy things and girl things. It’s just whatever you like.” Such was my 7-year-old son’s gently delivered and matter-of-fact response when another child firmly told him that flowers and hearts are “girl things.” Faced with the notion that gender is a binary (there...

This Torah Has No Room For Hatred
Like all congregational rabbis, I frequently give eulogies for the deceased, and walk with their families to bury them. Jewish tradition prioritizes remembering the dead. It is a mitzvah gedolah—a great mitzvah—to give a eulogy that breaks the hearts of the listeners and highlights the praiseworthy deeds deceased, while simply forgetting his or her failings....

Packaging a Mitzvah
Purim is almost here and in my home we are busy preparing our Mishloach Manot baskets to deliver to family and friends. It’s important to me that we select only the finest products to fulfill this important mitzvah of Purim, so I always look for an American equivalent of Pri Etz Hadar (the beautiful etrog); vine...