This Yom HaAtzma’ut, let’s look forward, not backward

(Pictured: Rabbinical and cantorial students attend an educational trip in the West Bank with T’ruah.) Yom HaAtzma’ut, Israeli Independence Day, begins tonight. It is a day of pride for many Jews around the world, as we celebrate the creation of the State of Israel 74 years ago. Yet there is no question that it is...
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Free Speech: The Gray Area

On Thursday, January 11 at 4pm ET, T’ruah invites you to begin to disentangle your thoughts on "Free Speech: The Gray Area" with T'ruah's Rabbi Jill Jacobs and Suzanne Nossel, CEO of PEN America.
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The Audacious Yehudah

As a concerned young adult living in Bangkok, I tried to make sense of the brokenness around me by doing volunteer work with like-minded meditation practitioners. Following the social action trail, we found ourselves in one of the many refugee villages along the Laotian/Thai border that continued to exist in the decade after the fall...
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The Pursuit of Justice

This week’s parshah opens with the command, “Give yourself judges and administrators to carry out just decisions…” (Deut. 16:18) On the face of it, this seems to be about how society should be ordered. It needs police, judges, lawyers, and a whole mechanism of justice in order to function rightly. Rather than each individual carrying...
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Apply for Cantorial and Rabbinical Student Programs

Through our programs for cantorial and rabbinical students, T’ruah is training the next generation of clergy to be human rights leaders. These programs combine on-the-ground experience with Jewish learning, tools for developing a rabbinic voice, issue education, and the building of cross-denominational cohorts of future cantors and rabbis committed to bringing a moral voice to...
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Join a Human Rights Delegation

Get a close-up view of human rights issues, and learn how to tackle them in your own community. Our programs are for cantors and rabbis. We have no upcoming trips posted at this time, but keep checking back for updates!
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Ways to Give

Thank you for your tax-deductible gift, which brings a rabbinic moral voice to human rights in North America, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories. Donate Online Donate by Mail Make your check out to: T’ruah266 West 37th Street, Suite 803New York, NY 10018 Join the Shofar Society By giving monthly to T’ruah, you amplify the moral...
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