Vayikra: Mincha and Roses

To stand for human dignity means not only insisting on the right to basic survival needs, but the right to live fully — to experience joy, pleasure, love, friendship, beauty.
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Photo of the author, Rabbi Michal Woll

Bechukotai: God and Us Under Stress

[Unders stress,] we are often functioning far from our cores, where we can access our unique strengths and talents, offer our best selves, and hear – and perhaps even seek – other voices.
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Photo of the author, Rabbi Lana Zilberman Soloway

Bamidbar: Lispor and Lesaper

We have been counting the days since October 7, counting the unbearable number of lost lives, counting the number of hostages, counting the number of people who became refugees in their own land. We count and we count and we count. And we tell a story. Each and every one of us.
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Bringing Holiness to the Front Lines

This discussion guide and text study, created for Human Rights Shabbat 2017 but widely applicable to any time of year, asks us to consider what it means to bring holiness to the front lines of our activism. Also suitable as sermon sparks.
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How Drawing Near Leads to Speaking Out

This drawing-near is ultimately what leads to Joseph’s emotions overwhelming him; breaking from silence into sobbing, he orders the room cleared and then reveals himself to his brothers. Our drawing-near is also what engaged our emotions and drew us from silence into speech.
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Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking

“This year we are slaves; next year, may we be free.” —Passover Haggadah “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all other forms.” —Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 4 T’ruah is leading the charge in the Jewish community against modern-day slavery and human trafficking,...
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Join a T’ruah Group Near You

T’ruah clusters are the primary avenue for Jewish clergy who care about human rights to take action. We know that even as human rights issues are present across the globe, all politics are local. To advance human rights, T’ruah builds power by fostering strategic, relational networks of our chaverim in specific cities. By joining our...
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