The Work of Teshuvah

According to the Jewish tradition, the period of repentance continues after Yom Kippur until the end of Sukkot. These days may continue to be an opportunity for reflection, but these final days of the holidays are days of celebration. Though none of us know what our fates hold for us, we act as if the...
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Preaching for the High Holidays: A Webinar for Student Clergy

Preaching on the High Holidays: A Webinar for Student Clergy

On Tuesday, August 22 at 3:00 p.m. ET, join T’ruah staff for an hour at the start of Elul to generate ideas and learn skills that will help us be more effective in our moral leadership from the bimah and for advice on how to avoid common pitfalls and make the most of your time on the bimah.
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Kernels of Inspiration for the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) 2022

Five chaverim share thoughts on a social-justice-themed sermon they might give in the upcoming High Holiday season. We hope that their insights will move your intellectual gears as you prepare to deliver sacred messages to your community.  Each chaver will share a topic, the text they are basing their sermon around, and the takeaway they...
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Simple Acts of Dignity and Loving-Kindness

“If we do nothing more than be aware of the essential elements of dignity in our everyday lives and practice honoring dignity, we will be making an enormous contribution to the healing of shared injuries.”¹ Through my work as a chaplain, I have developed a deep appreciation for the healing power of loving-kindness and the...
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Dream Until It’s Your Reality

Like Jacob’s dream, our justice work must be grounded in this world, absorbing the pain of everyday injustice with our hearts open to those suffering. And yet, our work must remain aspirational, reaching for the sky and not settling for anything less than our basic demands of human dignity and human rights.
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Programs Assistant

T’ruah is seeking a full-time Programs Assistant to provide logistical support across the programming department and help advance our Jewish human rights work. The ideal candidate is a highly organized, self-motivated, detail-oriented communicator with a commitment both to racial equity and learning, and to data-driven advocacy. This is an exciting time to join T’ruah at...
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