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Associate Director of Israel Campaigns

T’ruah is seeking a full-time Associate Director of Israel Campaigns who will engage and mobilize the rabbis and cantors in our network through campaigns related to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). This person will develop and implement the next steps in our campaign strategies to achieve impact on protecting the human rights of...
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Pursue Justice So That You May Truly Live

This week’s Torah portion contains one of the most famous justice-related verses in Torah: “צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף, / tzedek tzedek tirdof” — “Justice, justice shall you pursue!” Although the parsha begins with the injunction to establish judges, this instruction — to pursue justice — doesn’t seem to be aimed solely at those whose job it...
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Stop Torture Now: A Complete Rabbinic Sourcebook

This is T’ruah’s primary resource booklet on government-sponsored torture, originally published in 2005. It includes the shorter versions of Rabbi Melissa Weintraub’s articles on torture and Jewish law, insertions for High Holidays services, materials for study and discussion, and the original public letter to the Bush Administration, signed by over 800 rabbis and cantors. The full-length versions...
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A Meditation on Voting

Download and print out this prayer, in both Hebrew and English. It may be used by individuals or in a communal setting during election season or on Election Day itself. If Version 1 prints badly for you, try Version 2, which has a plainer layout. Or simply read the English text below: A Meditation on...
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Reckoning With the Harm We’ve Caused

According to the Netziv, the brit is meant as a healing salve. God knows the ways committing acts of violence may leave a permanent scar on those who commit them. Perhaps God is speaking from experience. 
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Yitro: This and That, One Year Post-Inauguration

One year later, we acknowledge that the day-to-day work of governing is unceremonious. Righting past wrongs is not a singular event but a process that requires constant attention, and the significance of this first year is unclear in the moment. Like the rabbinic connection of Shavuot to Matan Torah, it will be left to future generations to discern if this one-year mark warrants a celebration.
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