As student clergy who care about human rights, we often want to preach a High Holidays message about social justice. But then we have second thoughts: “Who am I to tell the people in this congregation how to act or what to do? How can I get them to accept my message when I barely know them and am at the start of my career?”

On Tuesday, August 22 at 3:00 p.m. ET, join T’ruah staff for an hour at the start of Elul to generate ideas and learn skills that will help us be more effective in our moral leadership from the bimah and for advice on how to avoid common pitfalls and make the most of your time on the bimah.

What you can expect to gain from this hour is:

  • Best practices in preaching
  • Textual resources
  • Organizational tools
  • Camaraderie with colleagues


We look forward to seeing you soon!

biTzedakah (in Righteousness),

Rabbi Matt Dreffin, MAJE (he/him)
Manager of Rabbinic Education

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