Previous Honorees

2023 Honorees Former Congressman Andy Levin A former member of Congress, union organizer, human rights activist, workforce policy expert and green energy entrepreneur, Andy Levin brought his unique expertise to the halls of Congress as the proud representative for Michigan’s 9th District from 2018 to 2022. While in Washington, Andy authored, cosponsored, and helped pass...
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Free At Last?

“Maybe it’s time to move the museum displays to the side,” she said, “and get back to work.” That’s what one of my students said, and I couldn’t have been prouder. Recently, I had the privilege of journeying with members of our staff and teens from our congregation on a service/learning trip to New Orleans...
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Refugees, Again: A Learning and Solidarity Visit to the Bedouin Village of Umm al-Hiran with Rabbis for Human Rights

Join the Truah Year-in-Israel Program in partnership with Rabbis for Human Rights’s Tu B’Shvat Tiyyul to Tel Aviv’s Givat Amal neighborhood on Friday, February 10, 2017. The tiyyul is entitled We Are Not Invaders: The Mizrahi Struggle Against Eviction in Tel Aviv's Givat Amal Neighborhood. Learn about this Mizrahi working-class neighborhood’s history since its establishment in the 1950s.
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