A person wearing a kippah that says end the war.

A Prayer for Gaza and to Preserve Our Humanity

by Rabbi Felicia Sol and Rabbi Roly Matalon
By Rabbis Felicia Sol and Roly Matalon of B’nai Jeshurun in New York City.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Cassi Kail

Vayigash: Resisting Walls of Fear to Draw Near

by Rabbi Cassi Kail
The most significant moments aren’t those of harsh words, and demonstrations, but rather intimate moments of humble connection. Those are the moments that can change everything.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Jenna Shaw

Chayei Sara: Power Rooted in Life, Not Trauma and Death

by Rabbi Jenna Shaw
In the aftermath of trauma, there is a natural desire to protect, to retaliate, and to secure our own safety at all costs. But in seeking safety, in seeking justice for our own pain, we can risk perpetuating cycles of violence that dehumanize others — and ultimately ourselves.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Jamie Gibson

Yom Kippur: Ki Hu Nora v’Ayom — For It Is A Day of Awe & Threat

by Rabbi Jamie Gibson
Unetaneh tokef grants us no illusion of covering up our failures, both of deed and of will. It says that we are counted and our deeds are measured, whether we like it or not. Our discomfort is what this day demands, not the easy promise of reconciliation and repentance.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Suzanne Singer

Nitzavim: Interrogating the Society We Build

by Rabbi Suzanne Singer
We must continuously strive to implement justice, as it is so easy to backslide when our attention and our resolve falter. Even during a time of war, when we are at our most vulnerable, we must still check ourselves to see if our conduct is as moral as possible.

High Holiday Resources for 5785

We offer these texts, sermon ideas, articles, talking points, and insights about the Israel-Hamas war and its reverberating effects to make it a little easier to meet the needs of your community at a tremendously difficult time. 
Photo of the author, Rabbi Maya Zinkow

VaEt’chanan: Al HaMar VeHamatok: For These Things I Weep

by Rabbi Maya Zinkow
We are not just meant to see the good land, but the whole of it, even what is hard to look at. And when we witness injustice, bitterness, and badness, we are meant to take up the sacred task of picking up the shattered pieces of destruction and building something good, building something worth gazing upon.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson

Sh’lach-Lecha: Israel/Palestine Buddy Cop Edition

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
Perhaps this midrash holds out a hope that any of us can be transformed to meet the needs of the moment. And perhaps we can find a way to change the course of today’s story so it does not have to end in wholesale destruction.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Lana Zilberman Soloway

Bamidbar: Lispor and Lesaper

by Rabbi Lana Zilberman Soloway
We have been counting the days since October 7, counting the unbearable number of lost lives, counting the number of hostages, counting the number of people who became refugees in their own land. We count and we count and we count. And we tell a story. Each and every one of us.

Criticism of Israel and Antisemitism: How to Tell Where One Ends and the Other Begins

by Rabbi Jill Jacobs
In this time of inflamed passions, it’s crucial both to ensure that criticism of Israel does not cross the line into antisemitism, and to protect the free speech of those protesting Israel’s actions.

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