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Photo of the author, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg

Kedoshim: Love Thy Neighbor, Not Thy Empire

by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
How we love our neighbor is by fighting for a society in which we would be glad to live no matter how little privilege we had.

Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzma’ut 2024 (and beyond)

This resource offers guidance for educators on where to start and some factors to consider. It is not a program in a box but rather an approach to planning whatever program your community needs.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Sarah Bassin

Yom HaShoah: Human Rights Require Human Enforcement

by Rabbi Sarah Bassin
We are born in the image of God, but we must accept that this God-given status exists only within the framework of human enforcement.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Toba Spitzer

Pesach: No One Is Free Until All Are Free

by Rabbi Toba Spitzer
How can we take on our own “marking of the doorposts” for this moment? What am I prepared to do, or say, to help bring this cursed war to an end? How might I “mark” myself as someone committed to the collective liberation of Palestinians and Israelis?

Passover Resources for 2024

A collection of T'ruah's resources for Pesach/Passover 2024.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Alicia Harris

Pesach: Cleanse the Spiritual Chametz this Pesach

by Rabbi Alicia Harris
This is the work before us this Pesach. We must abandon our worship of the false idol of correctness. We have to start with what we know. We know that all people need peace to survive. We know the liberation of Israelis is bound up with the liberation of Palestinians and vice versa. We know being traumatized is not a way to live. We also know that clinging to the crumbs of winning an argument only takes us further away from peace.

2024 Haggadah Supplement

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Rabbi Jenna Shaw
The supplement includes reflections and conversation starters about the Israel-Hamas war that can be used as additions to the traditional haggadah texts or in place of them.

Tazria: Fear of Impurity

by Rabbi Amy Small
The words we speak may soothe our spiritual and emotional wounds when spoken in kindness, but speech has the potential to “sicken” us, as individuals and as a society when spoken in malice.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Aaron Leven

Shmini: “Aaron was Silent”

by Rabbi Aaron Leven
Real intimacy — with the Divine and with each other — is an ability to say I will show up, but only if I can demand that when there is destruction there is rebuilding, when there is grief there is space to mourn, when there is heartbreak there is space for healing.

Navigating Evolving Perspectives on the War Through Sermons

by Rabbi Joel Mosbacher and Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann
For many rabbis, it's not easy to talk to your congregation about your evolving perspective on this war. Here are two examples, generously shared by Rabbi Mosbacher and Rabbi Grabelle Herrmann, of how they shared their evolving positions with grace, compassion, and honesty.

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