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Emor: Sacred Times: A Moment to Reflect on AAPI Allyship

by Rabbi Sasha Baken
This month, we have overlapping “sacred times”: the counting of the Omer and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Francine Roston

Ki Tetze: Honoring Creation & Being Good Allies

by Rabbi Francine Roston
Our needs are not always primary. In fact, to be a good ally and a good steward of Creation, we must put the needs of others ahead of our own.

Shavuot 2023: A Sampling of (M)oral Torah

These 7 divrei Torah, one for each of the 7 weeks of the Omer that lead up to Shavuot, span the breadth of the entire Torah, from Genesis to Deuteronomy, and come from 7 exceptional T'ruah rabbis who lend their voices to the call for a more just and moral world.

How to Make Our Racial Equity Commitments Endure

by Dora Chen
Listening to (the shofar's) blasts, we hold so many good intentions about the year to come... That is why the robust structures for anti-racism work... are so important. They give us a path to walk, a process to follow, and so they seek to avoid backsliding into complacency.

When Ignorance Brings Words that Sting: Finding Guidance in the Priestly Blessing (Parshat Naso)

by Rabbi Hannah Spiro
Commentary on Parshat Naso (Numbers 4:21 – 7:89) Here in DC, the last couple of months have been pretty rough. In March, DC City Council member Trayon White claimed that the Rothschilds control the weather and the government, and then ducked out early from a tour of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum that had been...

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