Criticism of Israel and Antisemitism: How to Tell Where One Ends and the Other Begins

by Rabbi Jill Jacobs
In this time of inflamed passions, it’s crucial both to ensure that criticism of Israel does not cross the line into antisemitism, and to protect the free speech of those protesting Israel’s actions.
Rabbi Lisa D. Grant, Ph.D.

Sukkot: The Tikkun of Climate Action

by Rabbi Lisa D. Grant, Ph.D.
Let Sukkot be our call to action this year. May it give us the spiritual resolve to live in the midst of great uncertainty and challenge, and to take action to pursue climate justice in this vast interconnected world of ours.

Report from El Paso, November 2019

by Rabbi Jill JAcobs
A firsthand account from Rabbi Jill Jacobs, T'ruah Executive Director, of the joint T'ruah-HIAS border delegation, November 2019.

Torah Against Incitement

by Rabbi Jill JAcobs
In December 2015, T’ruah organized Jewish communities and individuals to study this text over Shabbat, as a response to incitement against activists in Israel. It is a talk given by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion and a major figure in the Orthodox movement, in the wake of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak...

Racing to Justice, by john a. powell

by Rabbi Bob Gluck
A group of T’ruah chaverim has been reading and discussing Racing To Justice: Transforming our Conceptions of Self and Other to Build an Inclusive Society, by john a. powell (Indiana University Press, 2003). Rabbi Bob Gluck offers this five page digest of the book, with excerpts, as a resource for chaverim looking to learn more about...

The Halakhic Status of the Occupation

by Rabbi Aryeh Cohen
Many groups and individuals have decried Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories on moral or legal grounds. The purpose of this white paper is to envision what the values of the halakhic tradition might be if we considered the State of Israel and its occupation through those eyes. Its analysis will also inform to some...

Judaism and Solitary Confinement

by Rabbi Jonathan Crane
In this article, Rabbi Jonathan Crane examines Jewish texts about incarceration and claims made by activists seeking to end solitary confinement.

But Does Torture Save Lives? The Rodef and the “Ticking Time Bomb”

by Melissa Weintraub
In this 2005 article, Rabbi Melissa Weintraub analyzes and ultimately rejects the defense of torture based on the idea that the use of torture will save lives because it will prevent terror attacks.

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