Photo of the author, Yael Marans

Naso: The Burdens We Cannot See

by Yael Marans
For me, acknowledging what I cannot see lies at the heart of community building. It helps me feel connected to the humanity of people in my circles and in the broader world, as ultimately the invisible heaviness of experience is one of the things that I know to be true of being human.

Naso: “And the Woman Shall Say: ‘Amen, Amen’”

by Julia Knobloch
...being in Israel over the last several months has shown me almost daily how easy it is to defile something that’s important to us because of zealotry and jealousy. 

The Art of Burden-Bearing

by Rabbi Shani Rosenbaum
I wonder if there might not be some wisdom in “let’s not talk about it”; if the covering might, sometimes, be part of the carrying. 

A Blessing of Peace for Jerusalem

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
Everyone in Jerusalem – every Palestinian resident and citizen, every Jew, every activist standing in solidarity across lines of difference...was at one time a child, ready to receive a parent’s tender blessing given in love.

Counting everyone, including the stranger, for the 2020 Census 

by Erika Becker-Medina
A d’var Torah for Parshat Naso. “The Eternal one spoke to Moses: Take a census.” This week’s Torah portion, Naso, focuses on one of the multiple censuses that was carried out, the census of the Levites in the desert. This year in the U.S. is our year to carry out the census — to be...

“What’s Love Got To Do With It?”

by Rabbi Dr. Jenny Solomon
Rabbi Dr. Jenny Solomon discusses the importance of blessing with love.

When Ignorance Brings Words that Sting: Finding Guidance in the Priestly Blessing (Parshat Naso)

by Rabbi Hannah Spiro
Commentary on Parshat Naso (Numbers 4:21 – 7:89) Here in DC, the last couple of months have been pretty rough. In March, DC City Council member Trayon White claimed that the Rothschilds control the weather and the government, and then ducked out early from a tour of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum that had been...

The Holiest Place on Earth

by Rabbi Ari Averbach
Think of all the reasons you can get kicked out of Disneyland: if you are caught cutting in line; if you take video on roller coasters; if you smoke in undesignated areas; if you (an adult) dress up as a Disney character. (I love this last one!) I know that for some people, Disneyland/World are...

Peering Outside the Camp

by Rabbi Michael Lezak
“Joseph’s master had him put in prison…but even while he was there in prison, God was with Joseph.” -Genesis 39:20-21 Bulletproof glass separates me and my congregant. David [not his real name] and I sit opposite one another, in identical, soundproof, cinder-block visiting cubicles at a prison an hour’s drive from my home. He’s wearing...

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