Ending Solitary Confinement

JUMP TO: Current Campaigns Why Jews Should Oppose Solitary Confinement It is not good for a human to be alone. —Genesis 2:18 Either companionship or death. —Babylonian Talmud Ta’anit 23a Current Campaigns National T’ruah endorses the historic End Solitary Confinement Act, introduced by Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) (alongside Representatives Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16), Adriano Espaillat...
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Israel Fellowship

The T’ruah Israel Fellowship offers six students spending the year in Israel the opportunity for intensive study, experiential learning, development of a rabbinic voice, and cohort building.
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Holding the Administration Accountable

Jewish history has taught us that fascism arrives slowly, through the steady erosion of liberties. And we have learned that those who attack other minorities will eventually come to attack us. To our great dismay, we learned this truth again when, during the last election campaign, anti-Semitism rose to the fore, along with racism, Islamophobia,...
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Staff Picks: Your Human Rights Starter Pack

Through quarantine and beyond, get educated on the human rights issues you’re supporting, with books, films, podcasts, and more hand-picked by T’ruah staff. Read The Crisis Caravan: What’s Wrong with Humanitarian Aid? | Linda Polman  A Black Woman’s History of the United States | Daina Ramey Berry and Kali Nicole Gross  Surviving Autocracy | Masha...
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Spotlight On: Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg

Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg is the rabbi at the Glen Rock Jewish Center, right across the George Washington Bridge from New York City. Her synagogue community serves 200 member families and about an additional 75 nursery school families. T’ruah spoke with Rabbi Schlosberg in spring 2021. This interview has been edited for clarity. T’ruah: What drew...
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Meet our 2022 Honorees

Every year, T’ruah honors several leaders for their commitment to and activism in advancing human rights. Our 2022 honorees will be presented with their awards at our annual gala on May 25, 2022. Heather Booth Raphael Lemkin Human Rights Award Inspired by her first trip to Yad Vashem in 1964, Heather Booth has committed her...
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