We’re here for you

March 20, 2020 We’re about to enter Shabbat on what, for many of us, was our first full week staying at home, as we collectively try to slow the pace of this terrifying pandemic. I’m thinking of those of you who are coping with your own illnesses or those of family and friends. And, of...
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Spotlight On: Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg

Rabbi Jennifer Schlosberg is the rabbi at the Glen Rock Jewish Center, right across the George Washington Bridge from New York City. Her synagogue community serves 200 member families and about an additional 75 nursery school families. T’ruah spoke with Rabbi Schlosberg in spring 2021. This interview has been edited for clarity. T’ruah: What drew...
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Community of Practice: Israel/Palestine

This Community of Practice is for Chaverim who look to answer the question, “how can I be a clergy member who effectively leads in my Jewish space and in my larger community around issues of Israel and Palestine?”
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How Patience Destroys the Hope of Redemption

My step-daughter has a very distinctive sense of style, part Goth, part Emo, part anime, part steam-punk, part Asian, part her. She is also very petite, and finds it hard to find the clothes that she likes in her size. We recently realized that we can often find things that fit her if we order...
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2013 Rabbinic Letter on Bedouin Rights

In 2013, nearly 800 rabbis, cantors, and rabbinical and cantorial students signed this letter, which was delivered to the Israeli government. As spiritual and Jewish community leaders who care deeply about the State of Israel, we write to you in solidarity with concerned Jewish and Arab Israelis to urge you to withdraw the Bill on...
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