Even before the events of October 7th, emotions seemed to run highest in our communities around issues regarding Israel and Palestine. Tensions can flare when folks care about an issue so much and refuse to be heard by the other side. Before we can begin to move our constituents towards a new way of thinking, we have to know where we stand and clarify where we would like to be. In other words, have we articulated our personal vision for how multiple peoples can coexist in a small patch of land in the Middle East? Are we prepared to tactfully bring others to conclusions about the land that are grounded in Jewish values and center human rights?

We will spend time engaging with presenters, with most of our time and energy in dialogue with one another. We will seek to tackle tough questions by steeping ourselves in deep conversation with one another. Hopefully we will feel appropriately challenged, and this time will help us clarify our positions whether we’re speaking from the bimah or we’re in the office of our elected representatives. We will look at texts and listen to stories as we look to understand our role in this particular moment in history for Israel and Palestine.

Who is this for?

Chaverim who look to answer the question, “how can I be a clergy member who effectively leads in my Jewish space and in my larger community around issues of Israel and Palestine?”

What are the commitments?

We will meet for four synchronous sessions on Zoom. We will see each other for 90 interactive minutes on Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. ET for the following dates:

  • Tuesday, February 6, 2024
  • Tuesday, March 5, 2024
  • Tuesday, April 9, 2024
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Participants will get assigned chevruta partners to meet with in-between the synchronous sessions.

In addition to being chaverim, we are asking for a monetary commitment of $36. If this price is cost-prohibitive for you, please contact us as soon as possible—we never want money to be an obstacle to participation.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Rabbi Matt Dreffin (mdreffin@truah.org).

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