California Organizer

T’ruah is seeking a California Organizer to build relationships with T’ruah clergy in our two California clusters in Los Angeles and the Bay Area, developing pathways for engagement and leadership. This person will add value by strategizing with the organizing team on how to fully leverage T’ruah’s power to advance campaigns for justice that make...
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Powerful Kings and Degraded Hallelujahs

Right now, our society is in the middle of an important discussion about how we deal with sexual harassment and assault, especially from our leaders and other public figures. With the grossly inappropriate conduct of media moguls, actors, comedians, celebrity chefs, professional athletes, news anchors, business executives, clergy, politicians, and other powerful men coming to...
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Elijah’s Covenant Between the Generations

Commentary for Shabbat HaChodesh and Shabbat HaGadol This coming Shabbat is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, which means the clock is ticking for Pesach’s arrival. The following Shabbat, we will read as Haftarah the very last passage of the last of the classical Hebrew Prophets: Chapter 3 of “Malachi.” We name the day “Shabbat Hagadol” – referring...
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Doing Justice Justly

When our methods are just, our system doesn’t grant privileges to the powerful and strip protections from the vulnerable. As the Torah formulates it this week, “You shall not judge unfairly: you shall show no partiality; you shall not take bribes.” The justice system ought to represent all equally...
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Virtual Actions/Calls of Justice during COVID-19

As COVID-19 spread, and people everywhere were forced into their homes, T’ruah organized weekly online virtual actions, gathering our community together to learn, engage in ritual, and push our representatives to hear the “call of justice” that the Torah demands we amplify.   July 2020 7/28 Call of Justice: Take action for Essential Workers 7/21...
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Abraham and the Unexpected Needs of Refugees

As our ancestor Abraham experienced, our most liminal moments also often coincide with moments calling for meaning-making and the rituals that bring us spiritually home. Yet few who flee by forced circumstances arrive with the means that Abraham had to purchase the dignity of sacred space and time.
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Quieting our Amygdalas

Of course, we are scared when faced with giants, or when we are fed terrifying misinformation. It is what we do with our fears and anxiety that is a key to Jewish spirituality.
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