Manager of Rabbinic Education

T’ruah is seeking a full-time Manager of Rabbinic Education to enhance the skills and knowledge of the 2,300 rabbis and cantors in our network so that they can have a bigger impact on their communities’ ability to address pressing human rights issues. The ideal candidate is a skilled Jewish educator with an organizer’s mindset and...
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Joining or Forming a T’ruah Cluster

T’ruah clusters are the primary avenue for Jewish clergy who care about human rights to take action. We know that even as human rights issues are present across the globe, all politics are local. To advance human rights, T’ruah builds power by fostering strategic, relational networks of our chaverim in specific cities. By joining our...
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Id, Superego, and Israel

Parshat Sh’lach seems, at first glance, to have two totally disconnected halves. Part one is the story of the twelve scouts whom Moses sent to Canaan and their sin that led God to decree 40 years of desert wandering. Part two is a series of laws about sacrifices, tithing, repentance, and wearing tzitzit. But a...
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Our Impact

We organize, train, and support more than 2,300 rabbis and cantors across 47 states and 5 Canadian provinces who are chaverim (members) of T’ruah. Emor, the Institute for Bold Jewish Thought, delves deep into Jewish wisdom, and facilitates conversations among rabbis, scholars, practitioners, and lay leaders that tackle the most important moral and political questions...
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Rabbis Ellen Lippmann and Tirzah Firestone smile near a worksite. T'ruah at 20 logo.

Rabbi Ellen Lippmann: Looking back 20 years, I stand in awe and gratitude

Throughout 2022, T’ruah will be sharing reflections from chaverim, staff, board members, students, alumni and more in celebration of our 20th anniversary. Rabbi Ellen Lippmann is the former Co-Chair of the Board of T’ruah and the founder and rabbi emerita of Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives. I knew Rabbi Arik Ascherman in rabbinical school, and admired him then...
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