Previous Honorees

2023 Honorees Former Congressman Andy Levin A former member of Congress, union organizer, human rights activist, workforce policy expert and green energy entrepreneur, Andy Levin brought his unique expertise to the halls of Congress as the proud representative for Michigan’s 9th District from 2018 to 2022. While in Washington, Andy authored, cosponsored, and helped pass...
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Photo of the author, T'ruah CEO, Rabbi Jill Jacobs

Rabbi Jill Jacobs

Rabbi Jill Jacobs (she/her) is the CEO of T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, an organization that trains and mobilizes more than 2,300 rabbis and cantors and their communities to bring a moral voice to protecting and advancing human rights in North America, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories. She is the author of...
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775 Rabbinic Leaders Urge Fair Treatment of Bedouin and Withdrawal of Legislation that Would Lead to Forced Relocation of 30,000-40,000 Citizens

Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights delivered a plea from hundreds rabbinic leaders today urging the withdrawal of the “Bill on the Arrangement of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev,” also known as the Prawer-Begin Plan Bill, at the beginning of Knesset’s Interior Affairs Committee hearings on the legislation....
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T’ruah letter to Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

Dear Rabbi Riskin, As American rabbis, we, your colleagues, write to you to ask you to retract and apologize for your statement comparing President Barack Obama to Haman. As rabbis, we know the importance of being careful with our words. In the Babylonian Talmud (Eruvin 13a), Rabbi Yishmael the scribe warns his student Rabbi Meir,...
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JNF to T’ruah: We Don’t Fund Settlements, Except When We Do

T’ruah supporters have been asking the Jewish National Fund to come clean about how much of our U.S. donor money ends up over the Green Line. JNF-USA’s response further obfuscates their involvement in building the settlements that serve as obstacles to peace. The JNF response letter asserts, “Contrary to T’ruah’s allegations, JNF is not involved...
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“Satiety Leads to Rebellion”

The problem with taking my children to Disney World is that upon returning home, they kvetch about wanting to return to the Happiest Place on Earth. The thousands of junky Disney calories and hundreds of amusements lead my children and, I must ruefully confess, me, to “grow fat and kick”,” in the words of the...
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Victory: JNF releases list of projects

After more than a year of T’ruah supporters asking JNF-USA to commit to the #MosesStandard (full transparency about where their donor dollars go), they have released a list of projects for the first time as part of their 2014 tax returns (beginning on p. 45 of the return). Here’s what we learned: in the most recent tax...
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Dispossession in our text and in our world

Jewish stars spray-painted by settlers onto the deserted shops left by Palestinians after they were expelled from Shuhada Street. Bullet holes shot by settlers into the water tanks of Palestinians, who already have erratic and dramatically insufficient water supplies.  The palimpsest of “Free Palestine” where settlers have spray painted bold blue stars over the green...
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At Our Season of Liberation, Black Lives Matter

Change in the air. Sugar-flecked red, yellow, orange, and green jelled semi-circle slices; macaroons; pounds of nuts; Barton’s tin can almond kisses; overflowing grocery bags. My mother and I shop among the street carts and small shops that dot Blake Avenue in East New York, Brooklyn. Although my family is not observant, the white gold-rimmed...
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