Praying With Our Feet

“Praying for freedom never did me any good ‘til I started praying with my feet.” – Frederik Douglas “On the seventh day there shall be a Sabbath of complete rest, a sacred occasion.  You shall do no work.” – Leviticus 23:2-3 (Parshat Emor) We are blessed to live in a thriving democracy.  Though American and...
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U.S. Should Let Hanan Ashrawi Visit

We damage our moral standing as a nation when we refuse entry to those with whom our political leaders disagree, and the U.S. further damages its status as an honest broker when it refuses entry to Palestinians, including a senior PLO representative. By refusing to engage with Palestinians or even allow them to visit our country, the administration only fosters hopelessness and extremism.
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Elijah’s Covenant Between the Generations

Commentary for Shabbat HaChodesh and Shabbat HaGadol This coming Shabbat is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, which means the clock is ticking for Pesach’s arrival. The following Shabbat, we will read as Haftarah the very last passage of the last of the classical Hebrew Prophets: Chapter 3 of “Malachi.” We name the day “Shabbat Hagadol” – referring...
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Love as Resistance (Parshat Vayakhel)

Commentary on Parshat Vayakhel (Exodus 35:1 – 38:20) “He made the washbasin of copper and its stand of copper, from the mirrors of the women.” (Exodus 38:8) Parshat Vayakhel describes the mishkan, the portable desert sanctuary, as filled with beautiful items created from donated materials. Near its entrance stood a copper washbasin, a public fountain...
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Our Previous JNF-USA Campaign

Scroll down to watch our 2015-16 videos. Founded in pre-state Israel in 1901, the Jewish National Fund is one of the world’s oldest and largest continuously operating Jewish institutions, and is best known for planting trees in Israel. For decades JNF-USA was an auxiliary organization whose primary purpose was to raise money for the Israeli...
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