Social Justice: Leadership and Philosophy
This is God’s message for the people before they are to experience the awesome Presence at the mountain: “Lekh el-ha’am v’kidashtam hayom umakhar…” Go to the people and sanctify them. The exact meaning and practice of this sanctification is not explained. Some commentators, such as Rashbam and Ibn Ezra, see it as purification and read...
Take With You Words
I do a lot of driving and often listen to sixties music while in the car. Like many people, I do not always pay attention to the lyrics, but lately every time I hear “Eve of Destruction” by Barry McGuire I find myself listening more carefully, lamenting the fact that humanity has not made as...
10 Rules for Engagement for White Jews Joining the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
"1. Show up. It's not too late to build relationships."
Envisioning a Just Society
In parshat Ki Tetze we encounter the case of the ben sorer u’moreh, the wayward and rebellious son. We read in Devarim 21:18-21 that if a child does not obey his mother and father they should bring him out to the gates of the city before a council of elders, publicly declare him a glutton...
Transforming Envy Into Energy
A d’var Torah for Parashat Korach I often notice comparing and self-judging thoughts arise when I read about the work of activists: There they are speaking boldly at major rallies, or tweeting or blogging to many followers, or traveling to meet with Important People. What am I doing? Why aren’t I more like them? Then...
Leadership Lessons at the Foot of the Mountain
In today’s world, rabbis face the challenge of balancing multiple roles in their communal leadership; a rabbi seeks to “comfort the afflicted,” by being a strong pastoral presence to those in need, while at the same time to “afflict the comfortable,” challenge those who are complacent in their lives to awaken to their broader responsibilities...
Kindness in the Days of the Judges
When the book of Ruth is read each Shavuot, I sometimes have a hard time relating to the idyllic world that the book describes. Sure, Boaz is such an upstanding guy; who wouldn’t want to fall in love with him? Ruth herself is an amazing role model, the Jew-by-choice who becomes the great-grandmother of King...
What Does the Torah Teach Us About Building a World Worthy of God’s Presence?
According to Jewish tradition, for millennia God has been instructing us in how to foster a worthy dwelling place for the Divine Presence. How are we doing? In the beginning it was through the building of a Mishkan. We were told, as found in this week’s parashah, Terumah, to adorn it with precious metals, gorgeous...
Hope and a Listening Ear
I have now heard the moaning of the Israelites because the Egyptians are holding them in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant. (Exodus 6:5) It seems these days I have an endless array of guest speakers in my congregation: about the Syrian refugee crisis, about the death penalty, about homelessness, about the violence fraying...
Holding Onto the Image in Every Human Being, Even One’s Adversary
In the militia headquarters in Odessa decades ago, I was surrounded by harsh interrogators who castigated my friend and me for visiting Russian Jews, who were aliens in their eyes. I felt anger and even hatred at these leaders and their many followers who had made Jewish life impossible for a large segment of our...