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El Maleh Rachamim for Victims of Racial Violence

El Maleh Rachamim is the memorial prayer recited at funerals and during Yizkor, the memorial service included in Yom Kippur and other festival services. This version honors the memory of all those who have been murdered throughout America’s history because of their race–those who died under slavery or the Native American genocide, those lynched or bombed,...

Encompassing the Truth in Four Directions

by Rabbi Brandon Bernstein
In college, I used to tutor inner city middle school students through an organization called Making Waves. Once during a staff training, I was placed in a group with two Latinx tutors and two black tutors; the other group consisted of five white tutors. When my group playfully accused the supervisors of dividing us up...

Building Beloved Community…Creating Rewarding Conclusions

by Rabbi Mara S. Nathan
In Parashat VaYechi, Jacob is reaching the end of his life, yet the opening words quantify his life. “Jacob lived seventeen years in the land of Egypt, so that the span of Jacob’s life came to one hundred and forty-seven years.” (Genesis 47:28) Most commentators see this statement as a recognition that finally, Jacob is...

Promises Broken, Promises Kept

by Lauren Tuchman
In Parshat Vayera, we are reminded of the crucial role water plays in the life of all human communities. In Genesis 21, we read about the banishment of Hagar and Yishmael from their home, and how God revealed a well of water in Hagar’s moment of despair. Immediately following this, the Torah describes a negotiation...

Black Lives Matter: A Prayer

by Menachem Creditor
Inspired by Yehudah Amichai z”l and Rabbi Rachel Barenblat In memory of Mike Brown z”l, Eric Garner z”l, and many, many others Recited as part of a Pilgrimage of Lament Berkeley, CA 12/14/14           Dearest God, We stand before you because we must. We stand before You because truths that should...

A Prayer for Ferguson

by Sandra Lawson
Help us to lie down, Dear Lord our God, in peace, and let us rise again, to life… This summer, I heard that a young black man had been killed by a police officer. The sad thing is that I tuned the story out. I was too caught up in whatever I was doing to...
Clergy marching in Ferguson

10 Rules for Engagement for White Jews Joining the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

by Rabbi Susan Talve and Sarah Barasch-Hagans
"1. Show up. It's not too late to build relationships."

A Plan Devised Against Them: Oppression and Justice, Then and Now

A brief text study about the systemic nature of racial oppression, with thanks to Rabbi Michael Rothbaum.

Pursue Justice So That You May Truly Live

by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
This week’s Torah portion contains one of the most famous justice-related verses in Torah: “צֶ֥דֶק צֶ֖דֶק תִּרְדֹּ֑ף, / tzedek tzedek tirdof” — “Justice, justice shall you pursue!” Although the parsha begins with the injunction to establish judges, this instruction — to pursue justice — doesn’t seem to be aimed solely at those whose job it...

Proximity for Consolation and Deliverance

by Rabbi Shoshanah Conover
July has been a hard month. Elie Weisel passed away. Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were senselessly shot and killed by policemen. Women wearing tallit, kippot, and tefilin while praying with the Torah were shouted down and called “Amalek” by fellow Jews at the Kotel. Eight police officers, five in Dallas and three in Baton...

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