Report from El Paso, November 2019

by Rabbi Jill JAcobs
A firsthand account from Rabbi Jill Jacobs, T'ruah Executive Director, of the joint T'ruah-HIAS border delegation, November 2019.

Texts and Resources for Tisha B’Av: Jews Say Free Them All

Prayer for Tisha B’Av Actions A prayer by Rabbi Mónica Gomery designed to be read preceding or following the sounding of the shofar at a collective protest on Tisha B’Av. The use of this resource has helped unify Tisha B’Av events across the country. T’ruah’s Past Tisha B’Av Divrei Torah Commentaries by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia...

Ruth: An Immigration Story

by Rabbi Sharon Cohen Anisfeld and Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
This text sheet uses excerpts from the Book of Ruth to begin a conversation about U.S. immigration policy. It is designed to segue into “The Sin of Sodom,” a text study that appears in the revised and expanded Mikdash handbook (p. 30-31). The second page of this resource contains a prayer for immigrant children and...

How Darkness Immobilizes (Parshat Bo)

by Rabbi Rain Zohav
Commentary on Parshat Bo (Exodus 10:1 – 13:16) I am usually one to heed a call to mobilize for justice and human rights. I participated in a peace delegation to Israel and Palestine at the beginning of the Second Intifada and was at Standing Rock for the clergy action against the Dakota Pipeline. But lately,...

The Triple Lives of Refugees (Parshat Shemot)

by Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr
Commentary on Parshat Shemot (Exodus 1:1 – 6:1) The opening lines of the book of Exodus serve as a bridge between a family history and the birth of a nation. Somehow, in an infinitesimal span, the progeny of one man becomes an entire people: the Israelites. And a very prolific one at that. The new...

Who Feels the Pain? (Parshat VaEra)

by Rabbi Adam Chalom
Commentary on Parshat Vaera (Exodus 6:2 – 9:35) Who deserves human rights? Even the Torah has its blind spots. The Torah portion VaEra describes an escalating cycle. As YHWH predicts, Moses and Aaron confront Pharaoh and he refuses to free the Israelites. A plague strikes, and Pharaoh relents. The plague is removed by divine intervention,...

Seeing the Broken World: Discovering Myths Around Homelessness (Parshat Bereshit)

by Cantor Abbe Lyons
Commentary on Parshat Bereshit (Genesis 1:1 – 6:8) The story of humanity in the Torah begins with homelessness. The first two humans, Eve/Chava (“Mother of all life”) and Adam (“Earthling”) are unhoused vegetarian nudists living in bliss – and blissful ignorance – in the bubble of perfection of the Garden of Eden. There is no...

The Fugitive and the Path-Seeker (Parshat Ki Tavo)

by Rabbi Jonathan E. Blake
Commentary on Parshat Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1 – 29:8) “…My father was a fugitive Aramean. He went down to Egypt with meager numbers and sojourned there; but there he became a great and very populous nation” (Deut. 26:5). This verse constitutes the kernel of the Passover Haggadah. When we tell our freedom story, we start...

Lo v’tzidkat’kha (not for your righteousness): Expulsion in Eikev (Parshat Eikev)

by Cantor Vera Broekhuysen
A d’var Torah for Parshat Eikev Just over three years ago, I sat at lunch with my husband and my food turned to ash in my mouth. I listened in horror as a man announced his candidacy for our country’s highest office, and in almost the same breath, spewed a venomous slew of accusations against...

The Weeping Mother Speaks: On Tisha B’Av, Remembering the Pain of Separation

by Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein
Tisha B’Av reminds us: You know what this awful pain feels like. First, every year, we are supposed to practice feeling the excruciating dissonance between the way things are and the way they should be. We have to feel the deep outrage and pain of the crying mother. But we must also be Rachel, weeping not only for her children, but naming the more compassionate way of being that we know, that we remember is possible.

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