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Fact Sheet about the Rights of the Bedouin in the Negev

Historical Background and Government Development Demographics and Socio-Economic Politics Land Disputes and the Goldberg Commission Plan, Prawer Plan, and Begin Plan

One Land, Many Names

by Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton
Jacob said to his kin: Gather stones. They took stones, made a mound, and ate there by the mound. Laban called it Yegar-Sahaduta, but Jacob called it Gal-Ed. (Gen 31:46-47) Two different languages, the same name. Witness-mound. Laban’s name for the site of this peace treaty is in Aramaic; Jacob’s is in Hebrew. How did...

Resources from our allies: Just Vision

An introduction to the work of Just Vision and the film The Wanted 18.

Dispossession in our text and in our world

by Mackenzie Reynolds
Jewish stars spray-painted by settlers onto the deserted shops left by Palestinians after they were expelled from Shuhada Street. Bullet holes shot by settlers into the water tanks of Palestinians, who already have erratic and dramatically insufficient water supplies.  The palimpsest of “Free Palestine” where settlers have spray painted bold blue stars over the green...

On Arendt: Creating a Zionism That Owns Its Mistakes

by Rabbi Ethan Bair
Hannah Arendt would find it very tricky to be a Zionist today. She was critical of David Ben Gurion’s policy of effectively ignoring the Palestinians’ sincere pursuit of national sovereignty. She advocated a Zionism that would be achieved through excellent relations with the Palestinian neighbors, rather than in spite of them. In her essay “To...

Gerim ‘R Us

by Rabbi Ora Weiss
No one likes to admit this, but, (deep breath) truthfully, I am prejudiced. I internalized at an early age that many kinds of people who do not look like me cannot be trusted. Even as I heard these things and thought that they were not true, the warnings lodged in my body. So much so...

Id, Superego, and Israel

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
Parshat Sh’lach seems, at first glance, to have two totally disconnected halves. Part one is the story of the twelve scouts whom Moses sent to Canaan and their sin that led God to decree 40 years of desert wandering. Part two is a series of laws about sacrifices, tithing, repentance, and wearing tzitzit. But a...

A Shemoneh-Esreh for Israel

In 2016/5776, T’ruah gathered in front of the Israeli Consulate in New York City to celebrate Yom HaAtzma’ut. The core of the service was a series of 19 blessings for the State of Israel, modeled on the weekday Amidah that Jews traditionally recite three times a day. Each blessing was written by a rabbi, cantor, or...

Planting Two Trees: A Tale from the Field

by Nathan Roller
Nathan Roller, a T’ruah Israel Fellow and student at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, shares his experience planting two trees–one in the West Bank and one in Israel–as part of the T’ruah Year-in-Israel Program. Donate $36 or more to support this important tree-planting project in 2019.

Resources from Our Allies: Right Now

by Right Now
T’ruah is the fiscal sponsor of Right Now, an organization of American and Israeli Jews that advocates for the rights of African asylum seekers in Israel.

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