Economic Inequality and Charity | T'ruah - Part 5

The Responsibility for Providing Health Care

by Rabbi Jill Jacobs
A text study about the individual and communal responsibility to heal, especially the poor.

“Satiety Leads to Rebellion”

by Rabbi Noah Arnow
The problem with taking my children to Disney World is that upon returning home, they kvetch about wanting to return to the Happiest Place on Earth. The thousands of junky Disney calories and hundreds of amusements lead my children and, I must ruefully confess, me, to “grow fat and kick”,” in the words of the...

Atem Nitzavim: Standing Together Against Hunger

by Rabbi Erin Glazer
Imagine the scene. Groups of men, from tribal leaders to woodchoppers and water-drawers, standing in the same place. Elders interspersed with officials and women with babies on their hips. Children running in and out, weaving between the people, even the stranger within the camp, all gathered together on this day. Atem Nitzavim. You stand this...

The Holiest Place on Earth

by Rabbi Ari Averbach
Think of all the reasons you can get kicked out of Disneyland: if you are caught cutting in line; if you take video on roller coasters; if you smoke in undesignated areas; if you (an adult) dress up as a Disney character. (I love this last one!) I know that for some people, Disneyland/World are...

…And Not a Drop To Drink.

by Rabbi Jonah Geffen
“What gets me is how fast the state has just denied — ‘We can’t prove it’s the water,’” Mr. Monahan said. “I think they’re so afraid of tying nine deaths to this. The whole thing is just such a ridiculous tragedy.” (New York Times, February 23, 2016) From almost day one, it was obvious something...

Interest Free

by Rabbi Steven A. Chester
It was not what one might call a typical Jewish family. She was a single mother with three children. One was a teenager and two were under five years old. Each child had a different father and the woman was living on SSI. The teenager had gone through our religious school and was now attending...

But Where Should We Actually Give?

by Rabbi Marcus Rubenstein
Figuring out how to be good in a world with so many choices It was 2 am, and I was awake, lying on the concrete floor of a church’s basement choir room. A few hours earlier I had been in the hallway outside of this room, serving food to men and women who needed a...

How does it feel to be homeless in NYC?

by Rabbi Beni Wajnberg
“These are the names of the children of Israel, who came towards Mitzrayim.” (Shmot 1:1) I decided to experience firsthand what homelessness feels like. Having the privilege of serving a vibrant and amazing congregation in Manhattan’s prestigious Upper East Side, and living in that same neighborhood, I have never quite felt that my sense of...

Weak Eyes

by Rabbi Sarah Mack
As Jacob meets Rachel and Leah, the text shares a rare visual description of both women. We learn that Rachel is beautiful and Leah’s eyes are “weak.” The word describing Leah’s eyes, “rakot,” can also be translated as tender, soft, or gentle. It is difficult to determine if Leah’s eyes are an impairment or a...

Never Forget the Hungry

by Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld
This week’s Parashah, Miketz, contains the well known story of Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams about the seven fat cows being devoured by the seven skinny cows and the seven healthy sheaves of wheat being displaced by the seven sickly sheaves. Joseph, brought out of his prison cell to interpret the dreams, goes farther and advises Pharaoh...

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