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Stop Torture Now: A Complete Rabbinic Sourcebook

by Rabbi Melissa Weintraub
This is T’ruah’s primary resource booklet on government-sponsored torture, originally published in 2005. It includes the shorter versions of Rabbi Melissa Weintraub’s articles on torture and Jewish law, insertions for High Holidays services, materials for study and discussion, and the original public letter to the Bush Administration, signed by over 800 rabbis and cantors. The full-length versions...

Poor People’s Campaign Resources

by Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein, Rabbi Bill Plevan, Rabbi Jonah Geffen, Rabbi Suzanne Singer, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Rabbi Mike Rothbaum, Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, Dr. Yonatan Brafman
From May 14-June 22, 2018, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival launched 40 days of “nonviolent moral fusion direct action,” calling on our country to change course on the deep moral crises that threaten our democracy and our survival. T’ruah supported the campaign in a variety of ways, including by publishing...

Every Person Counts? (Parshat Bamidbar)

by Rabbi Enid C. Lader
Commentary on Parshat Bamidbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20) Our Torah portion opens with the taking of another census of B’nai Yisrael – the Children of Israel – this time “listed by their clans, ages 20 years and up, all those in Israel who are able to bear arms…” (Num. 1:2) This is census number three since the...

A Yovel for the Poor People’s Campaign (Parshat Behar/Bechukotai)

by Rabbi Debra Kolodny
Commentary on Parshat Behar/Bechukotai (Leviticus 25:1 – 27:34) One week from today, Monday May 14, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will launch across this country. As I prepare for this momentous event, I’m struck by the alignment of Torah and sacred season. This Shabbat when we read of the yovel...

Israel at 70 Resource

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
In recognition of Israel’s 70th birthday, we have created a resource to try, in a condensed way grounded in Jewish tradition, to reckon with the fullness of what 70 years means for the Jewish state. This resource brings the voices of four rabbis, commenting, as if on a page of Talmud, on four verses from...

Sickness and Sin (Parshat Tazria)

by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
Commentary on Parshat Tazria (Leviticus 12:1-13:59) In the world of Tazria, scaly, raw, and oozing pustules called tzara’at erupt on the skin and spread impurity through the camp. Those who suffer from this illness are isolated. The word used in Leviticus to describe this skin ailment is nega, which specifically means a plague sent by...

Kedoshim: Love the Stranger as Yourself

by Rabbi Jonathan Kligler
On a recent Sunday, I was invited to preach at a neighboring Episcopalian church. This church is unusual in that its members are a mixture of English and Spanish speakers. The vast majority of the Spanish speakers are undocumented immigrants and their children. My congregation has been working with this church community to support and, if...

Technicalities, Flames, and Democracy

by Rabbi Jeremy Kridel
Before I was a rabbi, I was a lawyer. Most of my legal career was spent assessing almost-inevitably doomed appeals. These were often criminal cases based upon what are popularly called “technicalities.” That work came back to me when I read the story of Nadav and Avihu, to which we return again this week in parshat...

Expanding Ourselves Inward

by Rabbi Drorah Setel
The Passover story recognizes that the journey to freedom involves struggle and suffering. In the midst of our most joyous celebration we acknowledge the pain our liberation caused for others by taking wine out of our cups as we recite the ten plagues. It teaches us that the lesson of compassion is inextricably linked to...

Opening the Door at Passover

by Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan
At the first Passover, we marked our doorposts with the blood of a sacrificial lamb to protect us from the Angel of Death (Exodus 12:23). Although that was a one-time ritual, doors continue to be a central symbol of the holiday. It is a symbol that seems more relevant than ever in an age when nativism...

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