Democracy Resources

CONFRONTING THE MORAL CROSSROADS: Chile’s Jews from Dictatorship to Democracy

Author and journalist Maxine Lowy guides us through the story of how Chilean Jews and non-Jews endured when democracy was shattered, and how, over 17 years, Chileans fought successfully to restore it.

D is for Democracy

Take heart and courage in the words of movement elder, poet, and essayist Aurora Levins Morales.

Purim Reminds Us Rights Shouldn’t Be Tied to the Whims of Rulers

A D’var Torah for Purim by Rabbi Micah Buck-Yael As a Queer and Trans Jew, Purim has long held a special place in my heart as a holiday that envisions a world in which oppression can be turned upside down, in which coming out can be liberatory and world-changing, and miracles come to life through...

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D is for Democracy

by Aurora Levins Morales
Take heart and courage in the words of movement elder, poet, and essayist Aurora Levins Morales.

Just One Thing We Ask of You

by Rabbi Michelle Dardashti
Prayerful words for democracy by Michelle Dardashti.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Ed Stafman

Noach: Opportunities for Healthy Reboots Are Built into the Universe

by Rabbi Ed Stafman
Just as human choices brought about the flood and built the Tower of Babel, our choices in the election will determine where we go from here. And though the possibility of the bet-lamed of destruction is surely out there, so too is its opposite, lamed-bet — heart. In all of the anxiety, we can bring love to bear on the choices before us.

ROUNDTABLE: How Can U.S. Jewish Communities Play an Effective Role in Coalition Work to Advance Multiracial Democracy?

by Ginna Green, Abby Lublin, Megan Black, Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, PhD, Matthew David Hom, and Graie Hagans
A panel of pathbreaking organizers, including Ginna Green, Graie Hagans, Abby Lublin, Megan Black, Matthew David Hom, and Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, PhD, on how Jews can advance multiracial pro-democracy coalitions today.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Jessica Fisher

Sukkot: Clinging to Possibility in the Face of Obstacles

by Rabbi Jessica Fisher
The rabbis of the Talmud knew there would be times when we would have no choice but to build our sukkot beneath a thick shadow cast by mountains. They knew there would be moments when it would feel audacious to build a sukkah at all.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Lee Moore

Simchat Torah: Planting Seeds of Tears

by Rabbi Lee Moore
Can we sing our longings this year in a way that lets all the feelings come through? Can we allow our heartbreak to summon us toward something new?

Democracy: More Than Just Elections

by Rabbi Jill Jacobs
Rabbi Jill Jacobs explores the wisdom Judaism can offer in building free societies.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Jamie Gibson

Yom Kippur: Ki Hu Nora v’Ayom — For It Is A Day of Awe & Threat

by Rabbi Jamie Gibson
Unetaneh tokef grants us no illusion of covering up our failures, both of deed and of will. It says that we are counted and our deeds are measured, whether we like it or not. Our discomfort is what this day demands, not the easy promise of reconciliation and repentance.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Rachel Timoner

Rosh Hashanah: An Accounting of the Soul

by Rabbi Rachel Timoner
[These High Holy Days,] may we ask hard questions. May we see ourselves from both the throne of din and the throne of rachamim. And may we, steeped in self-compassion and God’s compassion, do better.
Photo of the author, Rabbi Suzanne Singer

Nitzavim: Interrogating the Society We Build

by Rabbi Suzanne Singer
We must continuously strive to implement justice, as it is so easy to backslide when our attention and our resolve falter. Even during a time of war, when we are at our most vulnerable, we must still check ourselves to see if our conduct is as moral as possible.

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