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Dangerous Idols in Ancient Israel and Contemporary America

by Rabbi Barry H. Block
We do not celebrate the destruction of other people’s holy sites. Nonetheless, Moses had it right: Establishing a just society, as the Holy One commands, requires rooting out the symbols of evil.

Trampling over the Torah

by Cantor David A. Lipp
We should never assume our success is rubber-stamped or approved forever. Our actions can always be re-evaluated, and based on prophetic precedent, God tends to hold us to a higher standard of behavior than our neighbors, not a lower one.

Returning from the Narrow Place

by Rabbi Steven Jacobs
In our tradition, from any place on earth, even in a prison cell, there is always the possibility of teshuvah — a return.

Kernels of Inspiration for the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe) 2022

by Rabbi Mona Alfi, Rabbi James M. Bennett, Rabbi Barry Block, Rabbi Lauren Henderson, Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg
Five chaverim share thoughts on a social-justice-themed sermon they might give in the upcoming High Holiday season. We hope that their insights will move your intellectual gears as you prepare to deliver sacred messages to your community.  Each chaver will share a topic, the text they are basing their sermon around, and the takeaway they...

Turning our Backyards into Sanctuary Cities

by Rabbi David Eber
...the Torah instructs that in the midst of our holiest cities and amongst people who do the work of God, that precisely there — in that place — are the vulnerable to take refuge.

What “Women’s Rights” Should Mean

by Rabbi Simone Schicker
I would like to see us reclaim what women’s rights can mean – and note that our tradition supports our demand to be seen as fully human, however we identify.

The Power of Bearing Witness

by Rabbi John A. Linder
Balaam models being an independent and critical thinker... He refuses to stoke the hot coals of fear that demonize the other.  

Haggadah Supplements

Get one-page source sheets to help stimulate discussion at your seder table, designed to reengage in the work of liberating our world just as the Israelites were liberated from Egypt.

“And the community was without water….”

by Rabbi Miriyam Glazer
Our Torah depicts what can happen to us in a world without water... Moses striking the rock to yield water is a vivid metaphor for the water-related violence that is breaking out all over our world — particularly in the Middle East, as well as in South Asia and Africa.

Transformation Will Only Come Through Honesty About Our Past

by Rabbi Mimi Micner
Nowhere do we see God and the people in a real process of engagement with their history and what is broken in their relationship. With so much left unsaid and unresolved, we should not be surprised to see the same issues in their relationship emerging again and again. 

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