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Photo of the author, Claire Davidson Bruder

Beha’alotecha: Be One Among the 70

by Claire Davidson Bruder
Community knowledge is the strongest tool we have, and we must learn how to both respect and harness it. When we seek to make change in the world, we must ask ourselves: Who might know what needs to happen even better than I do?

Beha’alotecha: Keeping the Fire Lit: Book Bans and Human Rights

by Rabbi Simone Schicker
The lights of the menorah in the Mishkan, and in the Temple, led to the ner tamid (eternal light) in our sanctuaries, and to our understanding that each one of us is a light too.

Stopping to Listen to Complaints

by Rabbi Dan Bronstein
Even if we vehemently disagree with the complaints of others, though, perhaps we have to listen and discern the genuine concerns underlying such dissatisfaction — much as we strive to listen more closely to the Israelites’ culinary complaints. 

Illuminating Service

by Rabbi Yonina Creditor
Just as the Menorah is juxtaposed to the appointment of the Levi’im, so too do we have a responsibility – not just to our veterans, but to those who died defending this country.

Our Best Leaders May Be Those with the Least Power

by Matt Nosanchuk
A d’var Torah for Parshat Beha’alotecha by Matt Nosanchuk.  Leadership lies at the center of our Jewish communal discourse, and rightfully so. Through tough times biblical, historical, and present, Jews have relied on a wide range of leaders, including patriarchs and matriarchs, kings and queens, prophets and prime ministers, soldiers and scholars, and, of course,...

The Torah of Criticism

by Rabbi Micah Liben
Rabbi Micah Liben calls us to resist complacency and to remain vigilant when our rights are in danger.

Feasting on Choice, Dining with Dignity (Parshat Beha’alotecha)

by Rabbi Joshua Hammerman
We all crave food – but equally, we crave the dignity of being able to choose what, how and where we eat.

Not By Might: My Israel/Palestine

by Rabbi David J. Cooper
I am starting to write this from a cramped seat on an El Al flight to join the Center for Jewish NonViolence action from May 14-23 in the West Bank. I’ve been asked to drash Beha’alotecha in light of this trip, but, full disclosure, I have to write now because there won’t be enough time after...

Seeing the Dark in a Different Light: The Power of Our Language to Promote Racial Justice

by Rabbi Dev Noily
The Black Lives Matter movement has re-focused my attention on the ways that I participate in the racial injustice that is pervasive in our society and culture. One of those ways is through language—both what I say and what I hear. And especially, the ways that I use “light” and “dark” as metaphors for “good”...

The Logo of the Jewish People

by Rabbi Peter Berg
All of Jewish theology can be summed up in this week’s sedra, Beha’alotecha. After many weeks of reading about the events at Mt. Sinai, the cloud of God’s glory lifts from the Tabernacle as a signal for the desert journey to resume (Numbers 10:11). That cloud is the key. We first encountered it as the...

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