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Photo of the author, Rabbi Elyse Wechterman

Pekudei: Learning From, Not Erasing, Our Broken Tablets

The administration is tearing apart the historical narrative of the United States, denying the verifiable truth that more people have been left out of the American dream than included in it, that brutality had a role in building this country, and that we have inherited both the gloriousness of the nation’s founding ideas and the shame of our failure to live up to them.

“Project Esther”: Exploiting Jewish Fear to Advance Dangerous Policy

Created in collaboration with The Nexus Project. Learn what Project Esther is, why it’s dangerous, how it’s showing up in policy right now, and what Jewish leaders can do about it. Plus: Texts related to the biblical Esther to explore with your communities and inspire your resistance. The perfect tool for pre-Purim text study or learning throughout the month of Adar.

A person wearing a kippah that says end the war.

A Prayer for Gaza and to Preserve Our Humanity

By Rabbis Felicia Sol and Roly Matalon of B’nai Jeshurun in New York City.

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Pinchas: If the Law Is Wrong, Change It

by Savannah Lipner
The daughters of Zelophehad had previously been disenfranchised by the system but were able to advocate for themselves and not only did God heed their request, God changed the law entirely. We must act as the daughters of Zelophehad and reconcile the injustices we find.

Sh’lach-Lecha: One Small Step, One Giant Leap

by Rabbi Eliza McCarroll
...if we want the soil of our land to live up to our hopes for it, we must hold to our faith — whether that is in God, in the land itself, or, in our case, the conviction of the cause(s) we are working for — and believe that we will reap the fruits of our labor.

Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: The Insidious Crime That Steals Billions of Dollars a Year from Workers

by Rabbi Mordechai Liebling
We are commanded to be holy in this parshah and “to not profit by the blood of our fellow.” (Leviticus 19:16) This means that we are obligated to do our best in preventing worker abuse.

The Power of Dreams and Our Power to Create Prophecy

by Rabbi Becky Jaye
...if, like this Pharaoh, we can move beyond the terror to seeking options with an open mind, we may find ourselves with more resources at hand than we ever realized was possible.

Hunger for Change

by Rabbi Benjamin Altshuler
Down the line, we may trace the origin of the hunger for power contested between the tribes of Israel.
Rabbi Henry Zoob quote

Going Beyond Rectifying Poverty

by Rabbi Henry A. Zoob
These passages (from this week's parshah) go beyond the basic responsibility of physically helping the poor; they challenge us to take into account their dignity and personhood.

Turning our Backyards into Sanctuary Cities

by Rabbi David Eber
...the Torah instructs that in the midst of our holiest cities and amongst people who do the work of God, that precisely there — in that place — are the vulnerable to take refuge.

“And the community was without water….”

by Rabbi Miriyam Glazer
Our Torah depicts what can happen to us in a world without water... Moses striking the rock to yield water is a vivid metaphor for the water-related violence that is breaking out all over our world — particularly in the Middle East, as well as in South Asia and Africa.

Not Just Chance: Intentional Choice

by Rabbi Gila Colman Ruskin
When a particular word occurs only seven times in the entire Bible, and all seven occurrences are in one chapter, we pay attention.

The Essence of Being a Jew

by Rabbi Mari Chernow
That’s Kedoshim’s point – that those of us who own land (and its modern equivalent, a bank account) have an undeniable responsibility to support those who don’t. 

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