COVID-19 Seder Supplement

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson et al
The supplement offers a discussion activity for the Four Children and a reading to deepen the significance of opening the door for Elijah.

Texts and Resources for Tisha B’Av: Jews Say Free Them All

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson et al
Prayer for Tisha B’Av Actions A prayer by Rabbi Mónica Gomery designed to be read preceding or following the sounding of the shofar at a collective protest on Tisha B’Av. The use of this resource has helped unify Tisha B’Av events across the country. T’ruah’s Past Tisha B’Av Divrei Torah Commentaries by Rabbis Edward C. Bernstein, Ruhi Sophia...

FAQ About Weakening Democracy in Israel

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson et al
This two-pager FAQ addresses the Nation-State Law and other legislation passed by the Knesset this summer that weakens Israel’s democratic institutions. It is followed by two pages of quotations from classical and contemporary Zionist thinkers and leaders that remind us of how important democracy is to Zionism. Included in the FAQ are links to more...

A Very Brief Introduction to the Occupation

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Rabbi Salem Pearce
This 16-page, pocket-sized pamphlet , produced by T’ruah in partnership with Breaking the Silence, offers basic definitions for understanding the Israeli occupation, testimonies from an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian civilian, a brief text study, and recommendations for further reading. Buy packets of booklets here, to share with your community, friends, and family. (Please allow...

Protest Placards

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Rabbi Salem Pearce
Download and print yourself, or order a pack of seven on sturdy 19"x 25" cardboard.

Stop Torture Now: A Complete Rabbinic Sourcebook

by Rabbi Melissa Weintraub
This is T’ruah’s primary resource booklet on government-sponsored torture, originally published in 2005. It includes the shorter versions of Rabbi Melissa Weintraub’s articles on torture and Jewish law, insertions for High Holidays services, materials for study and discussion, and the original public letter to the Bush Administration, signed by over 800 rabbis and cantors. The full-length versions...

Mikdash: A Jewish Guide to the New Sanctuary Movement

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Rabbi Salem Pearce
T’ruah’s complete Jewish guide to the New Sanctuary Movement is here in a revised and expanded edition! This resource includes: Background information on sanctuary and immigration, placing them in the larger context of white nationalism and America’s history with immigration Concrete steps to take An original essay grounding sanctuary work in Jewish tradition and text...

Mikdash: Sanctuary Quickstart Guide

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Rabbi Salem Pearce
This two-page guide offers a starting point for how to think about joining the sanctuary movement. The accompanying text study offers some initial Jewish sources on the subject. A longer guide will be available in September 2017.  

Handbook for Jewish Communities Fighting Mass Incarceration

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson and Rabbi Salem Pearce
This handbook provides a comprehensive guide for Jewish communities learning and engaging in issues related to mass incarceration.
Clergy marching in Ferguson

10 Rules for Engagement for White Jews Joining the #BlackLivesMatter Movement

by Rabbi Susan Talve and Sarah Barasch-Hagans
"1. Show up. It's not too late to build relationships."

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