When Blood Boils: Learning to Channel Anger in Productive Ways

by Rabbi Ariana Capptauber
Anger is like fire that, when used productively, can power engines of change but when mishandled can consume anything in its path, including us.

Reading the Exodus as a Migration Story

by Cantor Vera Broekhuysen, Rabbi Victor Reinstein, Rabbi Elizabeth Goldstein, and Rabbi Jessica Dell’Era
If America is to be the land of the free, a melting pot of diversity and equality, it too must clear the stones from the proverbial roads and build up pathways for immigrants, especially refugees and asylum-seekers.

Remembering the Workers in the Field

by Rabbi Laura Abrasley
CIW’s Fair Food Program beautifully illustrates Deuteronomy’s call of zachor, to remember to push back against those who oppress the rights of others.

Our Mishkan — Who Is In and Who is Barred Entry?

by Rabbi Doug Alpert
Our basic freedoms are under attack. The authoritarian extremists pushing these laws are saying that only they qualify to be in the Mishkan.

Strangers in our Healthcare System

by Rabbi Natalie Louise Shribman
...we can no longer afford to be strangers within the healthcare system.

Finding the Roots of Our Neighbor’s Home

by Rabbi Ariana Silverman
The al-Walaja olive tree is one of the oldest trees in the world... Today, as it bears fruit for this generation of residents, it also bears witness to the State of Israel demolishing the homes of some of those residents.

Embracing Our Inner Nachshon

by Rabbi Larry Sernovitz
Things can only change if we have the faith to believe in possibilities that we currently cannot imagine.

Choosing Justice Over First-Born Status

by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson
Firstborns can be supplanted in many different ways, not all of them virtuous.

Reckoning with Climate Change in Egypt and Today

by Rabbi Frederick Reeves
We have enough warning signs, enough extreme climate names. Let us not be Pharaohs on the way to deaths in every household.

Getting to Know You

by Rabbi Brian Immerman
True relationships, born out of love and respect, take time to develop. These relationships require intimacy and occasionally discomfort in order to truly know each other.

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