D'var Torah

Behar-Bechukotai: Proclaiming Dror Throughout the Land
...modern American politics have alienated the word dror from the Jewish concept of liberty.

Emor: Sacred Times: A Moment to Reflect on AAPI Allyship
This month, we have overlapping “sacred times”: the counting of the Omer and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.

Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: The Insidious Crime That Steals Billions of Dollars a Year from Workers
We are commanded to be holy in this parshah and “to not profit by the blood of our fellow.” (Leviticus 19:16) This means that we are obligated to do our best in preventing worker abuse.

Tazria-Metzora: Tweet Others as You Would Want to be Tweeted
When the boogeyman of the mob is demystified, we have the humanity to look even our enemy in the face as a real, breathing human soul.
Connecting Parshat Tazria-Metzora to the Moment in Israel
A resource for clergy speaking about Israel at 75.

Israel at 75 Resources for Clergy: Shabbat of April 21-22, 2023
As Jewish clergy we have an obligation to raise our moral voices against injustice being perpetrated at home and abroad.

Pride Month: Resisting Anti-Trans Pharaohs
In a time when modern day Pharaohs are seeking to peddle fear, to oppress, and to erase transgender people, we can take our direction from our brave matriarchs.

Invite the Erev Rav/Mixed Multitude to join the seder this year
This year I want to be a wise child who asks: “Can I be brave enough to go out and see who is suffering for my freedom?"

Vayikra: Mincha and Roses
To stand for human dignity means not only insisting on the right to basic survival needs, but the right to live fully — to experience joy, pleasure, love, friendship, beauty.

Elevating Our Hearts and Spirits Towards Justice
The Mishkan was not just a compound our ancestors built; it is a state of mind that we can inhabit.