Summer Fellowship

Jump to: Information for Applicants >> About the Fellowship The T’ruah Rabbinical and Cantorial Student Summer Fellowship in Human Rights Leadership offers a select cohort of rabbinical and cantorial students the opportunity to work in a human rights or social justice organization, learn about human rights in Jewish text and tradition, and develop their moral...
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Yovel / Jubilee: Fifty Years Since 1967

ORDER YOUR YOVEL GUIDE HERE Plus New Rabbinic Teachings on Video [bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-play”] The year 2017/5777 marked 50 years since the Six-Day War, when Israel captured East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. This anniversary calls both for celebration of Jewish sovereignty over our holiest site, the Temple Mount, and a more somber commemoration of...
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Shira Danan

Shira (she/her) is a writer and proud RK (rabbi’s kid) who has worked as an editor and social media manager in the private and non-profit sectors. As a comedy writer, she has written for many publications, including the New Yorker, The Onion, McSweeney’s, and Mad Magazine. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Religion from Columbia University in...
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Hadar Ahuvia

Hadar Ahuvia (she/her) is a Rabbinical Student at Hebrew College (class of 2026) and a cross-disciplinary artist, ritual leader and Jewish educator. Hadar’s work centers the body in explorations of Jewish political and cultural lineages. Her essay “Joy Vey” on choreographing a diasporic identity beyond Zionism is featured in the Oxford Handbook of Jewishness and...
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Rabbi Daniel Ross Goodman

Daniel Ross Goodman is a writer and a rabbinical student at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT) in New York, where he is editor-in-chief of the YCT Jewish Studies Journal. He is a regular contributor to Public Discourse (a publication of The Witherspoon Institute) and The Weekly Standard. Several of his articles have been Editors’ Picks in...
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