Countdown to Closing Rikers flyers

Countdown To Close Rikers Rally

Join T'ruah and Freedom Agenda on August 31, 2023 from 10-11 a.m. ET at City Hall Park to kick off the official countdown of Rikers closer, and remind Mayor Adams that closing Rikers is required by law, and New York City has a legal and moral obligation to get it done.
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Sukkot for Housing Justice: Week of Action!

Join T'ruah and partners from Sept. 27 to Oct. 6 for a Week of Action: Sukkot for Housing Justice to extend a warm welcome and hospitality to everyone without shelter in our city: migrants, unhoused New Yorkers, people on the edge of losing their homes.
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Repro Shabbat 2024

T'ruah is proud to partner with National Council of Jewish Women on Repro Shabbat, coming February 9-10 (Parshat Mishpatim).
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