Ritual and Regulation: A Priestly Corrective to Prophecy

Commentary on Parshat Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1 – 20:27) In the Bible, there are two traditions, the prophetic and the priestly, both of which aim at building a good society, but do so taking very different approaches. In the Haftarah read on Yom Kippur the prophet Isaiah famously demands: “Is such the fast I desire, a...
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A Pandemic of Polarization

Strategically, we stand a better chance of finding our way if we do not dismiss (other's) capacity for moral reasoning. We stand a better chance of moving their hearts if we assume they have one. 
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The Heel, the Heart and the Binary

What does Moses’ closing address to the Children of Israel have to do with gender? It’s no secret that Torah is gender specific. The Hebrew language assumes a gender binary. Rabbinic Judaism accorded the greatest amount of esteem and religious status to those whom we often refer to today as cis-gendered men – individuals who...
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Who are T’ruah’s Chaverim? Chaverim are rabbis and cantors who stand up to be counted as partners in T’ruah’s work to protect human rights in North America, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories. Being one of T’ruah’s chaverim does not imply endorsement of every organizational statement or position. When you become a member of our chaverim...
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