Ending Solitary Confinement

JUMP TO: Current Campaigns Why Jews Should Oppose Solitary Confinement It is not good for a human to be alone. —Genesis 2:18 Either companionship or death. —Babylonian Talmud Ta’anit 23a Current Campaigns National T’ruah endorses the historic End Solitary Confinement Act, introduced by Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) (alongside Representatives Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D. (NY-16), Adriano Espaillat...
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Letter from the Mexico Border

T’ruah chaver Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie shared this letter after returning from our March 2019 delegation with HIAS to El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, in Mexico. Since the Trump administration launched its “zero tolerance” policies at the Mexico border, T’ruah has sent five clergy delegations to bear witness and stand in solidarity with immigrants and...
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Movement Chaplaincy Course 2022

Are you a rabbi, cantor or rabbinical/cantorial student interested in providing spiritual, emotional, and relational support to those on the front lines of today’s movements for justice? Are you looking for ways to make your own justice work more committed, resilient, sustainable, and spiritually rooted? Join T’ruah’s Movement Chaplaincy community of practice as we move...
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Transforming Envy Into Energy

A d’var Torah for Parashat Korach I often notice comparing and self-judging thoughts arise when I read about the work of activists: There they are speaking boldly at major rallies, or tweeting or blogging to many followers, or traveling to meet with Important People. What am I doing? Why aren’t I more like them? Then...
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