Buy Kosher Fair Trade Products

Bring human rights to your celebrations of Chanukah and Passover, to your synagogue kiddush, and more. Through partnerships with Divine Chocolate and Equal Exchange, we are proud to offer kosher fair trade Chanukah gelt, kosher-for-Passover chocolate, coffee, and more that come from companies committed to dignified working conditions and environmental sustainability. Proceeds from these purchases...
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Fighting For Fair Food At the Trader Joe’s Headquarters

Note from T'ruah: Thanks to the pressure from CIW, T'ruah, and tens of thousands of allies, Trader Joe's joined the Fair Food Program in February, 2012. We include this d'var torah on our website as a reminder of how taking action on a campaign for justice can bring about lasting change.
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Rabbi Judith Edelstein, D. Min.

Ki Tetze: We Cannot Look Away

You may be familiar with the notion about the wounded healer, popularized by the author Henri Nouwen in his book by that name. He asserts: “When we become aware that we do not have to escape our pains, but that we can mobilize them into a common search for life, those very pains are transformed...
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In December I sat with M., a thirty-four year old man who is seeking asylum. Over the course of 3 ½ hours, M. told me what he had endured for many years in his country that propelled him to leave his home and his country to embark on a harrowing journey in search of asylum....
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Blowback and Other Surprising Consequences

US government policies have consequences—both foreseen and unforeseen. Thirty years ago, we armed Afghani rebels, the mujahedeen, in their fight against the Soviet Union, the so-called “evil empire.” One of those rebels was named Osama bin Laden, and you know the rest of that story. The CIA has a term for this kind of operation gone...
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