Understanding the White House Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

Rabbi Jill Jacobs will be in conversation with Stacy Burdett about the White House strategy for Combatting Antisemitism that was just released Thursday. The discussion will delve into the details and significance of the strategy, what the plan means for Jewish leaders and communities, and what to expect in the months ahead as the strategy...
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The Other Side of Shmita

In Hebrew there is an etymological connection between the words “peace” and “pay”. The root of each, shin lamed mem, has lent merit to the quip that “if it is not paid for there is no peace.” One cannot be shalem/whole or complete if one is in debt. Over the years I have certainly felt...
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Free At Last?

“Maybe it’s time to move the museum displays to the side,” she said, “and get back to work.” That’s what one of my students said, and I couldn’t have been prouder. Recently, I had the privilege of journeying with members of our staff and teens from our congregation on a service/learning trip to New Orleans...
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Intimacy With God Requires Human Contact

Parshat Nitzavim, the first of this week’s double parshah, speaks powerfully to our fundamental human need for connection to each other and to Gd — and therefore to the isolation that is an anathema to it. The covenant of Torah that began with the distant and dramatic display of Gd’s power at Mount Sinai is...
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“Satiety Leads to Rebellion”

The problem with taking my children to Disney World is that upon returning home, they kvetch about wanting to return to the Happiest Place on Earth. The thousands of junky Disney calories and hundreds of amusements lead my children and, I must ruefully confess, me, to “grow fat and kick”,” in the words of the...
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Babel and Bathrooms

Over the summer, we at Temple Micah joined the national conversation about bathrooms, who they are for, and how we talk about them. Our gender neutral bathroom taskforce had its first meeting, a conversation largely centering on labels and language. We all agree that a synagogue should feel safe and welcoming for everyone, and that...
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Addiction: The Strange Fire in Our Midst

Commentary on Parshat Shmini (Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47) What happens when the gift we want to offer isn’t accepted? Why do our efforts to be holy sometimes have tragic consequences? Our Torah reading celebrates the completion of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle built to be God’s dwelling place amongst the people. Precise instructions have been followed,...
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