Aaron Fellows

As a kid, Aaron (he/they) liked to take things apart to figure out how they worked. Today, rather than dissecting radios from the town dump, Aaron prefers to take apart spreadsheets, operating procedures, and organizational systems. He would like to think he has gotten a bit better at putting things back together, hopefully making them...
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Rabbi Kliel Rose

Rabbi Y. Kliel Rose is the spiritual leader of Beth Shalom located in Edmonton, Alberta. Kliel was born in Jerusalem to a rabbinical family and grew up in Winnipeg, Canada. Kliel earned a BA in Judaic studies from Gratz College, in Philadelphia, after which he studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). As a student, Kliel...
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Hannah Weilbacher

Hannah (she/her) comes to T’ruah having worked as an organizer and advocate in the field of Jewish social justice. Before T’ruah, Hannah served American Jewish World Service as Senior Program Officer for Jewish Advocacy and Engagement, where she worked with rabbis and cantors who are passionate about human rights. Hannah also worked at the Jewish...
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Hadar Harris

Hadar Harris

Hadar Harris is an award winning human rights attorney and institution builder whose work focuses on civic enfranchisement, gender equality, freedom of expression and association, protecting closing civil society space and domestic implementation of international norms. She spent fifteen years in academia, building centers and organizations impacting a range of issues. She has worked as...
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Summer Fellowship

Jump to: Information for Applicants >> About the Fellowship The T’ruah Rabbinical and Cantorial Student Summer Fellowship in Human Rights Leadership offers a select cohort of rabbinical and cantorial students the opportunity to work in a human rights or social justice organization, learn about human rights in Jewish text and tradition, and develop their moral...
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Worker Justice

“Great is work, as it gives honor to the one who does it.” —Nedarim 49b Our tradition tells us that it is a Jewish moral imperative to treat workers fairly. But we know that in this country and around the world, the workplace is often ground zero for forced labor, exploitation, wage theft, and violence...
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Funding Transparency

“These are the records of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle of the Pact, which were drawn up at Moses’ bidding…” -Exodus 38:21 According to Midrash, after the Mishkan (Tabernacle) was completed, some Israelites accused Moses of misusing their donations. Moses’ response was a full accounting of every piece of jewelry, gold, and precious stone that the...
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