Rabbi Y. Kliel Rose is the spiritual leader of Beth Shalom located in Edmonton, Alberta. Kliel was born in Jerusalem to a rabbinical family and grew up in Winnipeg, Canada. Kliel earned a BA in Judaic studies from Gratz College, in Philadelphia, after which he studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). As a student, Kliel served a number of congregations in New York and one community in London, England, under the auspices of Masorati Olami. As a senior rabbinical student, Kliel received the prestigious Rabbi Marshal T. Meyer Rabbinic Fellowship at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in New York. He was ordained in 2005. Rabbi Rose served as Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in Miami Beach, Florida for 3 years, then was the Spiritual Leader of West End Synagogue in Nashville, Tennessee, where he served for 5 years. Kliel’s community work includes service on The Nashville Board of Rabbis and on the advisory committee of St. Thomas Hospital’s Clinical Pastoral Educationprogram, and Community Nashville (formerly the National Conference of Christians & Jews). Kliel, and his wife Dorit Kosmin, are the proud parents of five beautiful & very active children.

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