Writing a Campaign for Fair Food Op/Ed

A guide for Jewish leaders by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. We hope this will inspire you to write an OpEd of your own. Since talking points often change, please email T’ruah for the most up-to-date language and for help with editing and placement.
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Guest Editor

T’ruah is seeking a temporary Guest Editor for Emor’s upcoming seasonal publication, Fragments, with a focus on the issue of democracy. The ideal candidate is an experienced writer and editor who is skilled at working with writers across lines of difference (particularly when holding intersectional identities), and who is familiar with the evolving social, political,...
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Our Best Leaders May Be Those with the Least Power

A d’var Torah for Parshat Beha’alotecha by Matt Nosanchuk.  Leadership lies at the center of our Jewish communal discourse, and rightfully so. Through tough times biblical, historical, and present, Jews have relied on a wide range of leaders, including patriarchs and matriarchs, kings and queens, prophets and prime ministers, soldiers and scholars, and, of course,...
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