The Holiest Place on Earth

Think of all the reasons you can get kicked out of Disneyland: if you are caught cutting in line; if you take video on roller coasters; if you smoke in undesignated areas; if you (an adult) dress up as a Disney character. (I love this last one!) I know that for some people, Disneyland/World are...
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Heart of a Stranger: The Jewish Historical Memory of Torture

You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the heart of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt. -Ex. 23:9 You were strangers in the land of Egypt reminds us that we have experienced the great suffering that one in a foreign land feels. By remembering the pain which we...
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Justice for the Land and Its Inhabitants

Commentary on Parshat Behar (Leviticus 25:1 – 26:2) In Leviticus 25, the Torah famously explains the practice of the sabbatical year (shmitah) and the jubilee year (yovel), in which those who work the land refrain from farming in order to let the land rest. It’s not hard to see a connection between the ancient practice...
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Buy Kosher Fair Trade Products

Bring human rights to your celebrations of Chanukah and Passover, to your synagogue kiddush, and more. Through partnerships with Divine Chocolate and Equal Exchange, we are proud to offer kosher fair trade Chanukah gelt, kosher-for-Passover chocolate, coffee, and more that come from companies committed to dignified working conditions and environmental sustainability. Proceeds from these purchases...
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Yovel Text Study: The Land Is Mine

Each yovel—the last year of a fifty-year cycle—returns the entire land to its original owners. What might be described as radical land reform aims to prevent the development of a permanent underclass, but beyond this, expands our consciousness to understand that land is fundamentally not for sale, that on some level the entire earth belongs to God and never really to us.
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A Blessing of Peace for Jerusalem

Everyone in Jerusalem – every Palestinian resident and citizen, every Jew, every activist standing in solidarity across lines of difference...was at one time a child, ready to receive a parent’s tender blessing given in love.
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The Daughters Who Roared and Were Heard

If the wood gatherer teaches us about the threat of a raid on the commons, the sisters reinforce the lesson by anticipating a more subtle version of it. Consider what would have happened had the daughters not acted. In short, Zelophehad’s brothers likely would have fought over who should get their brother’s land. At the extreme, if all it takes to inherit land is to be the last brother standing, we face the dire prospect of a fratricidal free-for-all.
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Keep Digging

Parashat Toldot tells a story of three wells dug by Isaac. Abraham Avinu has just died, and Isaac, not yet “Avinu,” seems to struggle to find his own way in the world. He is summoned, but the path is not clear. Isaac sets about re-digging his father’s old wells. Is he searching for something of...
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A Very Brief Introduction to the Occupation

This 16-page, pocket-sized pamphlet , produced by T’ruah in partnership with Breaking the Silence, offers basic definitions for understanding the Israeli occupation, testimonies from an Israeli soldier and a Palestinian civilian, a brief text study, and recommendations for further reading. Buy packets of booklets here, to share with your community, friends, and family. Or download...
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