July 1, 2018 - July 13, 2018

July 2018 Clergy Trips in Israel and the West Bank

In July, T’ruah is hosting three tiyyulim for rabbis and cantors (and their partners) in Israel and in the West Bank.

March 15, 2018 5:00pm - 8:00pm

CIW’s “Time’s Up Wendy’s” March

#TomatoRabbis and members of the New York Jewish community will be marching in solidarity with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, as they call on Wendy’s to end the five-year stand-off and join the Fair Food Program. This is the culminating event of a five-day fast that CIW members and select #TomatoRabbis are undertaking. Join us...

February 26, 2018 18:15 - 21:30

On the Verge of Deportation: African Asylum Seekers in Jerusalem

**For rabbinical, cantorial and Jewish education students spending their year in Israel** Join the Truah Year-in-Israel Program for our evening tiyyul “On the Verge of Deportation: African Asylum Seekers in Jerusalem” taking place on Monday, February 26, 2018. On January 1st, the Israeli government announced plans to deport tens of thousands of African asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan...

November 3, 2017 7:45 - 14:30

T’ruah Year-in-Israel Program Tiyyul to Hebron with Breaking the Silence

On Friday, November 3, rabbinical, cantorial and Jewish education students in Israel are invited to join T’ruah on a Breaking the Silence tiyyul of Hebron. Tour the Hebron city center, which has become a “ghost town” due to massive military curfews, restrictions and other policies aimed at Palestinians. Visit the gravesite of Baruch Goldstein, the...

May 24, 2017 4 PM -

Proclaim Release Throughout the Land: A Service of Hope

Join T’ruah for a service of hope to mark the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War. We will mourn all Israeli and Palestinian victims of the last fifty years of conflict; pray for a better future; and commit to taking action to bring about a secure, democratic and Jewish state of Israel, an independent...

February 10, 2017 8 AM - 3 PM

Refugees, Again: A Learning and Solidarity Visit to the Bedouin Village of Umm al-Hiran with Rabbis for Human Rights

Join the Truah Year-in-Israel Program in partnership with Rabbis for Human Rights’s Tu B’Shvat Tiyyul to Tel Aviv’s Givat Amal neighborhood on Friday, February 10, 2017. The tiyyul is entitled We Are Not Invaders: The Mizrahi Struggle Against Eviction in Tel Aviv's Givat Amal Neighborhood. Learn about this Mizrahi working-class neighborhood’s history since its establishment in the 1950s.

March 16, 2017 - March 29, 2017

2017 Human Rights Spring Tour

Join T’ruah as we support the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, which is embarking on the longest protest action in the last 10 years of the Campaign for Fair Food, joined by thousands of consumers to mobilize for the national Wendy’s Boycott. The Return to Human Rights Tour will travel to the heart of Wendy’s territory for a major action in Columbus,...

December 9, 2016 - December 10, 2016

Human Rights Shabbat 2016/5777

Join 200 Jewish communities around North America in celebrating Human Rights Shabbat on December 10, 2016. Participating communities receive special Human Rights Shabbat materials including texts, sermon sparks, and ideas for action. You will also  join a network of other communities throughout the U.S. and Canada in turning the Shabbat of International Human Rights Day...

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